Gree Dong Pearl: I do not mistake

Dong Mingzhu: Gree Electric Appliance CEO

2006, the strong get Dong Mingzhu Huang Guangyu again helpless. With two years ago, Dong Mingzhu requires a reasonable price, except for this premise, talking about anything. In

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Industry stood up to the distribution channels who might say, Pearl is still only one director.

Industry assessment of her is: "Pearl is a director of marketing with the legendary master, Since 1995, she led Gree 9 consecutive years sales and sales revenue, market share in the nation with first in the industry, tax more than 2.5 billion yuan.

Its unique model of regional marketing companies, was hailed as the economic sector and the academia '21 century, new economic revolution '. "Dong Pearl has twice been the U.S." Fortune "magazine as" the world's 50 most influential businesswoman. "

BAZAAR: You said, "I never had errors, I never admit, I am always right." You to be able to assert themselves? Your confidence comes from where?

Dong Pearl: As a leader, if I make a decision, not a comprehensive consideration of minimizing risk and the possibility of error is the non-payment responsibility. A decision on the failure of individuals may be nothing, but businesses, may lead to irreparable consequences. Therefore, I can not mistake, I must make the right judgments.

BAZAAR: 10 years ago, you just been promoted to head of marketing department, you made two very bold things, first, an opening to the special treatment but you can sell out 150 million yuan each year products expelled from the Gree dealer marketing network, one open to the boss to property rights. These are generally subordinate will not do, so-called "workplace taboo," Why do you dare?

Dong Pearl: the so-called "workplace taboo" is because many people in the scramble for power and personal interests when the first gains and losses from the point of view, fear of harm to the interests of others to their cause trouble. I make decisions, always proceeding from the interests of enterprises, as long as it is conducive to business operations, they should go for it. A good leader should first liberation, that is their own.

BAZAAR: you think you have control over the subsidiary is a leader in it?

Dong Mingzhu: control is not the staff listen, but to the employees to realize their potential and create the space for everything you need to hear you are not a manipulated puppet, but a can use his talents to the enterprise the greater good of the people. I will allow and forgive employees make mistakes, provided that this error is new, never happened, and who could not be sure in advance that it is wrong. For those who have seen early signs of an error, I will immediately stop, but for the error has occurred, I do not allow it to happen the second time. In business 15 years, we have almost no mistakes, it also demonstrates our control over the market is relatively strong.

BAZAAR: Some evaluation of you, "DONG sister passed the place, even long grass is not out." You think this is the praise it?

Dong Mingzhu: (laughs) for my employees and businesses, I think that as a compliment. But my opponent is, there will be another point of view. For myself, I do not agree with this, I hope I passed the road was a big, is all there is interest. People who say this often is to get through my power to maximize his benefits, the results did not allow him to achieve, would have this sentence. I have all the partners that I will not let you harvests destroyed, but the extra income that is not possible. It has been said, do not know when you think you are powerful, but access to more, but feel that your human touch heavy. In the negotiations, rival fishing nothing from me, but after the cooperation will find that I can be a win-win here, win-win results.

BAZAAR: Are you a person who can not tolerate their own marking time?

Dong Mingzhu: Yes. I like to make their own pressure, the pressure can be turned into momentum. Can get things easily, do not call goal, we must jump to reach what is the goal … …

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