Semiconductor lighting industrial lighting dominate the collective warmer

March 2, the letter from the Ministry of industry data show a gradual pick up in 2009 as the export of China's lighting industry, signs of recovery evident. In the whole lighting industry, semiconductor lighting began to dominate.

Lighting equipment manufacturing industry to pick up, in 2009 imports and exports began to rise since the second half. Professionals have pointed out, solid-state lighting is becoming the Chinese lighting industry leader, in 2009 rose about 30%, far higher than China's lighting industry average growth rate of 5%. A number of companies are increasing investment in order to occupy China and the rapid development of the global semiconductor lighting opportunities.

Public letter to the Ministry data show that in 2009 China's lighting industry's accumulated industrial sales output value increased by 5.13%, an increase over last year increased by 4.21 percentage points in the first half. In addition, lighting appliances industry, import and export situation has improved, showing a gradual upward trend. In 2009, China's Lighting Industry total exports 14.281 billion U.S. dollars, down 12.77 percent, a decline compared with January to June narrowed 1.76 percentage points; cumulative total of 2.041 billion U.S. dollars of imports, down 1.16%, a decline compared with January to June narrowed by 19.72 percentage points.

In the lighting industry, industry, semiconductor lighting industry in this segment of the most eye-catching. The big ideas in energy conservation and emission reduction, China has accelerated plans to phase out incandescent lamps, including energy-saving lamps, including LED lighting products have been government support. Some of the larger public facilities coming on stream using semiconductor lighting products.

Data also confirmed that the growth rate of semiconductor lighting products is much higher than China's lighting industry average of 5% growth. National Semiconductor Lighting Project R & D and industry data provided by the Federation in 2009, semiconductor lighting industrial sales output value reached 600 billion yuan, an increase of 30% or more contrarian.

China National Semiconductor Lighting Engineering R & D and Industry Alliance, Deputy Secretary-General Nguyen pointed out that China is the world's fastest-growing LED industry, one of the regions. Philips Lighting (China) CEO Bibo Ling pointed out that semiconductor lighting as the representative of China's civil lighting market worth at least about 400 billion yuan, the future of China's lighting market will become a paradise to compete.

A number of listed companies wading LED has accelerated the pace of expansion. An internal LED optoelectronic three leading enterprises in January announced plans to invest about 120 billion yuan, Economic Development Zone in Wuhu City, construction of LED industrial base; Han's Laser, the Yangtze River Communications, Electronics and other permits have announced plans to increase investment in LED.

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