Tips for Sending Anonymous E-mail to Hide your Identity

The world isn’t as big as it used to be with the introduction of the World Wide Web and other aspects of the internet. With the proliferation of information from top sources to virtually anywhere in the world within seconds and vast cultural communities that where once separated by space now able to confer and communicate in real time, cultural sharing and human interaction has reached an entirely new level. Unfortunately with all of this sudden high speed exposure to differing viewpoints and belief systems the need to express yourself anonymously has also increased. This means that anonymous email and anonymous posts are more important now than ever.

This is due mainly to the fact that your personal information is widely accessible to not just hackers and spammers but government agencies and people strung out on marketing strategy trying to bleed every dime out of you that was possible. We should all have a healthy concern for remaining anonymous where possible, so here are a number of tips to help you stay anonymous on the web.

Install a Firewall – a personal firewall is one of the first lines of protection you should have on your computer to protect yourself. The software built into PC operating systems are often barebones and provide less than ideal security so pick up a third party application like ZoneAlarm. These firewalls will help you stay off the grid while using open, public wireless access points.

Use an Anonymous Proxy – Using a proxy server to mask your actual IP address is a good way to bolster your privacy. These services are available for free but the paid proxy services are much more efficient and offer better performance online.

Encrypt your Data – The most important part of an encryption program is its algorithm. An algorithm is a series of steps that are used to mask the data by morphing it into other data that is not so easily read or interpreted. When choosing an encryption application, use something with a trusted algorithm such as Blowfish or Twofish. There are many other very strong algorithms so do some research to find the best one for your particular needs. The shareware application Puffer uses a Blowfish algorithm that with a 16 character key is said to still be unbreakable even though the algorithm has been in the public domain for years.

Use Meta Search – You find the idea of some of the major search engines having the options to auction off or freely link your search queries or mishandle your IP a bit disconcerting. One way around this is to use a meta search engine that does not tell these corporations anything about the querent. Metacrawler is an example of one such meta engine.

Email safely – Sometimes you need to send an email for whatever reason without having to worry about reprisals. Many whistle blowers are supposed to be protected by the law, but it doesn’t always work that way. There are a good many services that will support sending anonymous emails through their network without having to fear being traced or having your information sold.

Disguise your Machine – There are many machine identifying numbers on a computer now. Processors have a CPU ID and there is an usually non editable Media Access Controller address that identifies your network card much like the serial number on a handgun. These generally can’t be removed because they are manufactured into the components but some cards do allow them to be modified. There are also applications available to spoof your MAC address making it more difficult to trace things to your hardware.

Use Social Privacy – Take the time to carefully go over all the options within your social networks like Facebook. By default, many privacy options are open. Make sure your options are set to a level you’re comfortable with because the more you share in social media the more people have access to.

Silent Sender lets you send Anonymous Email and is designed to help empower you to blow the whistle without blowing your cover. Stay anonymous and go silent & Send Anonymous Email to any one, anywhere, anytime.

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