Is Free Email Marketing a Good Place to Start for the Email Marketing Novice

Thinking about giving email marketing a try? If so, we are hear to tell you that picking up this proven tactic could be one of the wisest decisions you ever make. However, if you are still not quite sure about it, free email marketing could be the way to go. Read on to find out why the free route makes a great option for the novice who is just starting out.

No Money, No Risk

As far as the newbie goes, the best part of free email marketing lies in the fact that it is a risk-free
venture. Although this tool may seem like the right vehicle to drive your business, there is always a chance that it is not the answer to your needs. You will never know unless you try, and a free service allows you to test drive this vehicle and alleviate the risk in the process, which in this case, is making an investment in something that just isn’t right for you. With free email marketing, you can determine whether you have found the right tool, or if taking another route may be in the cards.

Unlimited Free Trial

Many email providers offer their service in the form of a free trial offer. This trial period usually runs for 30 days or so, which for most users, is ample time to give the service a test run. Once that 30 day period expires, the user must either decide if they want upgrade to the paid version, or simply move onto something else entirely. While the free trial offer is great for the novice marketer, free email marketing is even better. In the right situation, there are no time limits to worry about. If you like the service, you are free to use it as long as necessary. No questions asked. This sort of luxury is hard to resist for any marketing experience level.

Nothing to Lose and Everything to Gain

When it comes down to it, free email marketing just may be the most reliable option for the novice marketer. Sure, the service may not live up to your expectations, but there is also a possibility that it will enable you to meet all the goals you have set out to accomplish. It is becoming more and more common to find no cost solutions that are loaded with all the features you typically find in premium offers attached with a price tag. You could be the beneficiary of such an advantage if you play your cards right.

Free email marketing services are used by companies of all sizes to support a broad range of needs. A local non profit organization might use it to drum up donations for a good cause while an online merchant may use it to deliver sales offers to their customers. Free email marketing can accommodate a variety of needs, but just remember that not all services are the same. In order to get a quality service, you must take the time necessary to separate the best from the rest.

Kevin is a best practices activist and advocate for free email marketing

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