Yuba high intensity light energy vision open heart will hurt for a long time

The Consumers Association published tips on the 9th, said


Blu-ray heating light will cause permanent harm to children's eyesight. Xi'an market's visit found that because the price of heating of low speed, light and warm type Yuba very popular, but doctors advise not look directly at Yuba prolonged heating lamp.

Sales staff do not know Yuba

eyes from strong light

Into the winter, many families will be opened when the Yuba heating bath. Many parents give children a bath, the kids in his back side up, directly to allow the lamp to light. The Consumers Association reminded that this is the child's vision may cause permanent damage.

Reporter visited several large Xi'an

Home Appliances

Shopping malls, aware of the Yuba on the market is divided into light and warm type, wind and light warm-type heaters warm bound. The prices vary greatly, the same brand of lamp warm-type Yuba price of 300? 500 yuan or so, the wind and warm type Yuba prices at 1,200 yuan, while the lamp heaters warm air heating combination type price inferior to a few hundred dollars more expensive type , at 1400 yuan. Promotional staff, said, as light and warm type heating speed can increase the temperature of light in the region, price is quite affordable, so many families are very popular type of Yuba warm light.

The marketing staff to open a light warm-type Yuba presentation to reporters, instantly turned bright glare. Yuba lights for lamp warm type is harmful to the human eye, the sales staff did not know, just explained that this production is in Yuba relevant standards.

Will harm the adult visual

Physician Making the First Hospital of Xi'an, explained that the energy and intensity of light Yuba particularly high, if a long time staring at Yuba light, light entering the eye through the fundus reflection gathered

High, if a long time staring at Yuba light, light entering the eye through the fundus reflection gathered in the eye, the macular will burn it with a direct look at the eclipse with the naked eye to be burned is the same reason.

Macular baby at birth has not yet formed, about 4 years old need to be fully developed. During this period, visible in the 400? 500 nm wavelength of high energy visible light (ie blue), it is easy to pass through the cornea and lens of retinal damage in infants. Many parents give their children a bath like her child, the child's eyes directly at the light Yuba, this will damage the child's visual production, resulting in the child's visual acuity less than normal levels. Adult long time staring at Yuba light to see, the eyes will be burned. So the bath, avoid eye contact Yuba light.

Doctors advise the use of Yuba for the baby shower, should choose the mode of heating with warm air Yuba. If only the heating of the Yuba warm light, shade cloth can be added at the top, adjust the position of a bath to reduce the intensity of direct blue light and time.

Doctor recommended the same time, we should pay attention to eating habits from the start to protect eyesight, eye health lutein is a useful anti-oxidants. Eat more dark green vegetables rich in lutein, such as lettuce, spinach, cabbage, asparagus and so on, can effectively protect the infant retina.

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