How to Start To Overcome Your Fear of Flying

Terrified of flying? Many people are. One study done by Opinion Research Corporation asked 2117 adults about their level of fear of flying. It was reported that 18.1% answered that they were afraid of flying while an additional 12.6% reported anxiety in regards to flying. That means that about 650 of those questioned have some level of anxiety or fear of flying. That’s a large portion of people!

The best thing you can do when it comes to fear of flying is to take action to get over the fear. If you sit around and let it control you then you may start to cancel important flights or let it cause havoc on your health as intense fear causes stress on the body and stress affects the body’s health.

Here are some ways to help you to start to take action to overcome your fear of flying.

Pinpoint Your Exact Fear

Maybe you are scared of the plane crashing or maybe you are scared of the plane running out of gas. There are many fears that you can have about flying and you need to figure out what your exact fear is before you can do anything about it. If you are fearful of more than one thing than admit it!

Once you have figured out what you are scared of write down all of your fears and the reasons you are scared. Decide whether any of those fears are irrational fears. These would most likely be fears of the plane roof flying off or something similar seen on TV.

Knowledge is Power

In the case of fear of flying, ignorance is NOT bliss. Many fears can be alleviated through knowledge. The more you know the less you have to be afraid of, especially if your fear is an irrational fear.

Take the time to learn about planes and flying and focus on the areas you are scared of. If you are worried about the gas running out before you get to your destination than research how planes fuel up and the precautions they take to ensure the proper amount of fuel. Also, research what would happen in case of an empty fuel tank so you can see that procedures would be set in place.

Planes haven’t just started taking to the sky. There are set procedures in place and emergency procedures as well. They got it covered so to speak. Get out there and find out how they operate and you will find that your fear of flying will start to alleviate a bit.

Relax Yourself Before Takeoff

If you have a fear of flying then the last thing you want to do is get hyped up on caffeine or sugar before you flight. And while it may be tempting to order a drink before your flight you may find yourself even more anxious after your drink has been downed.

The best thing you can do is bring some calming music, some natural relaxants, and your best frame of mind. Once you sit in your seat on the plane get all of your calming things out and focus on them. If you have chosen music to relax with then get your earphones in your ears and start to drift into a happy place that you have set out for yourself.

You may want to read the fact sheet that is in the pocket in front of your seat. This will give you even further knowledge about the plane that you are on. Remember that knowledge is power.

Kari is the owner of Manifest Connection, a website focused on personal development to create a happier, healthier, and more successful life.

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