How To Prevent Piles?

What Are Piles?

Piles are dilatation of radicles of rectal veins inside the anal canal.  The medical term for piles is hemorrhoids.  Compared to arteries, veins are weak because of the thin walls and hence any back pressure from within the veins can cause them to be tortuous.  There are 3 rectal veins, specifically, superior, middle, and inferior rectal veins.  Any obstruction or increase in pressure within these veins can predispose piles.

Depending on the situation, there are two sorts of piles.

1. External piles
2. Internal piles

External Piles are seen outside the anal opening and are covered by skin.  They are either black or brown in color.  This type of piles is extremely painful because they are made up of a supply of nerves in this area.

Internal Piles are inside the anal canal and internal to the anal orifice.  It is covered by mucous membrane and are either red or purple in color.  These types of piles are painless.

Sometimes internal and external piles can occur at the same time within an individual.

Piles Cause:

1. It may be family history.
2. Piles are seen only in animals with erect posture.  Congestion from within the rectal veins are caused by gravity.
3. It is common in individuals who experience chronic constipation.  Those who have a habit of going to the toilet often due to frequent urge for stool may develop piles in the future.
4. Piles are common in people who eat an excessive amount of chicken, prawns, spicy foods, etc.  Individuals who eat more vegetables and fibrous foods are rarely affected.
5. Some women get piles during pregnancy.  This is caused by compression from within the rectal veins of the uterus.
6. Cancerous lesions in the rectum can lead to obstruction of blood flow resulting in piles.

Piles Symptoms:

1. Pain – common in external piles which are worse during straining.
2. Bleeding – comes in splashes while straining for stool.  In some cases, bleeding may be profuse.
3. Protruding mass – the swelling caused by external piles can be felt around the anal orifice.  In the case of internal piles, initially it is not felt.  When the disease progresses, the piles begin to protrude during stool removal and will automatically go back inside.  When the condition worsens, the protruding piles will not return inside the anus.
4. In some cases, there will be a discharge of mucus with itching around the anal orifice.

Complications Stemming From Piles:

1. Infection – can spread deep within the veins resulting in septicaemia.
2. Fibrosis – here piles become fibrosed with hardening of the anal orifice.
3. Thrombosis – this is when the blood inside the piles will form clots and can obstruct blood flow.
4. Gangrene – This is when the tissues within the piles and nearby skin die cause by lack of blood flow.
5. Suppuration – when the piles suppurate, it can become abscess and discharge puss.

Piles Treatments:

Initially, it can be treated on the bases of the symptoms.  Constipation should be treated.  If there is lack of iron leading to anaemia, iron should be given.  Homeophathic medicines can provide good results.  If medicinal treatment is not showing any results, the following should be tried:

1. The thrombosed external pile is excised beneath using a local anaesthetic.
2. Sclerosant injection therapy can decrease the size of the piles.
3. In some cases, rubber band ligation around the neck of the piles is helpful.
4. Cryosurgery is very effective.
5. Haemorrhoidectomy is the surgical removal of piles.

How To Prevent Piles?

1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
2. Eat more foods with fiber.
3 .Avoid excessive amounts of meat, prawns, crabs, etc.
4. Eat at regular times.
5. Drink lots of water.
6. Stay in the habit of maintaining regular bowel movements.
7. If constipated, do not ignore it.  Treat your constipation.

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