Pregnancy – Home Tests And Early Signs

A big sign of a potential pregnancy is of course a missed period (though there are other reasons for this such as stress). But before even that there are things that can happen to a woman that can be observed, though they vary from woman to woman. For example the sickness can come before a missed period, some women say they were bloated just a few days in and others felt a tightening in the tummy.

The earliest time you should really take a pregnancy test is 2 weeks after conception as there is not enough hCG in the body to detect otherwise, even using a sensitive home pregnancy test designed to be used for early testing, before a missed period. But by testing earlier you are losing some of the accuracy – the highest accuracy per cent sensitive tests give if you test before a missed period is 90%. So if you get a negative result you may still want to wait and see if you get your period. If you do not, you need to retest again.

There are early signs your body may be giving off of a pregnancy that you can watch for such as: Feeling fatigued. Vomiting (not just in the morning). Light spotting (3-12 days after ovulating). As mentioned, bloating. Blue veins on your breasts, some swelling and a feeling of tenderness. Frequent visits to the bathroom. Food cravings.

Some women may experience just one or two symptoms, and some may get them all. Some may experience symptoms early, some may have not experience anything until a but further in to the pregnancy. All of these symptoms are caused by the hCG and hormonal changes occurring in your body.

Home pregnancy tests can give you the answer to your question am I really pregnant. They are easy to use but you do need to follow the instructions carefully, whether using a test strip as you pee, or peeing in a cup and then sitting it in the urine. Test are not all the same, some are digital, some are more sensitive, so choose carefully. However they do all work the same way, looking for hCG in your urine. If you are confident about the result even after a re-test, see your doctor and they can either do their own urine test, take blood for a lab to test and may also do a pelvic examination.

All there is to know about any early pregnancy test available and pregnancy testing in general. Today’s special: when to take a pregnancy test

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