A Short Synopsis Of The Science Fiction Thriller Movie Alien

By taking a look at this particular piece, I can venture a guess that you are looking to learn a little more about the film “Alien” in many different capacities. Through the course of the upcoming paragraphs, you will be introduced to the film through a plot synopsis, a breakdown of the actors and actresses that made the film possible, and why this movie revolutionized sci-fi horror films.

This was by no means the first extraterrestrial based film to be released, so people were fairly familiar with what they thought an alien should look like on screen. However, this movie gave audiences an outer worldly being unlike anything that they had ever seen before. To say the least, there were several differences between these creatures in earlier interpretations to what the minds behind this film brought.

The first thing that you would likely notice as a considerable difference between these creatures and those that you might have seen before would be the fact that they aren’t just “stand around and look eerie” beings. These are very aggressive and very deadly creatures, that have absolutely no interest in making patterns in corn fields or beaming you up into their spaceship.

They were creatures that instilled fear and terror into the audiences that got to see them. They walked on all fours like the most deadly predators on Earth do, and they learned rather easily that humans were a rather simple kill. They had a couple of rows of razor sharp teeth and heavily salivated a substance that was able to eat through the floor of the space ship that the crew that came to the planet called home.

The film centers on a crew that is sent off to collect mineral and tow it back to Earth. They receive a distress signal that brings them out of hypersleep and encourages them to check out a nearby planet. While they are on the planet, they soon learn that they are not alone when Dallas and Kane encounter a large supply of feathery eggs. One breaks open and attaches to Kane’s face, which is impossible to get off.

But unbeknown to them at first, the crew later learns that they were meant to land on the planet and retrieve one of these creatures, whether they themselves actually made it back to Earth alive or not. They try many different ways to escape, and many of the crew is killed in the chaos. Ripley manages to escape on a shuttle after hitting the self destruct button on the ship, but not without an alien clinging to the outside portion of her craft trying to get in. When the creature attempts to enter through the thruster vents, she fires them on which kills the creature and she is able to make the trip back to Earth.

Powerful performances make this movie a classic. Perhaps the most important of these roles was that of Ripley which was portrayed by Sigourney Weaver. But hers was not the only impressive performance that made this movie so incredible, you might also look for great acting from Tom Skerritt (Dallas) and John Hurt (Kane).

There is a good bit to know about the movie “Alien”, but this should give you a proper introduction to the film. While this movie is quite a classic, you might want to check it out as well as the several sequels to the film that followed after (most of which feature Sigourney Weaver in returning roles as Ripley).

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