Cctv Digital Tv Giant Lg Joint Conspiracy Digital Future

has been leading the Chinese digital TV CCTV innovation to accelerate the process once again, people look forward to the times of digital television entertainment is going to fully open. Recently, CCTV, Media Center in Mui high-profile press conference held to announce the global digital TV giant hand LG China’s high-definition digital electronics to create a new era. For the strong combination of CCTV leaders said, “LG Electronics will jointly select and promote the popularization of digital TV in China is Chinese and the LG digital TV world leader in the field strengths and outstanding contribution, as well as in Europe and America popularity of digital television successful experience. ”

Attended the scene, the two sides signed a strategic cooperation memorandum, published jointly promote the digital TV industry chain integration and improve the full use of their digital television in the field of technical achievements, China’s digital TV industry to accelerate development planning. The dual giant joint, can be said that digital television industry milestone bears can really activated the development of digital television industry, an important mission. In this regard, the leaders of CCTV related stress, “the advent of digital television era, the CCTV co-operation with LG Electronics, vigorously popularize digital TV knowledge, correct and guide the purchase of Chinese consumers step into the real digital TV products, have access to quality CCTV HD programming more clear. ”

As the digital TV industry’s first practitioners of LG Electronics believes that many ordinary domestic TV users do not understand what digital TV? Era of digital entertainment What can not the same experience? Hope that the cooperation with CCTV, on the one hand vigorously popularize digital TV knowledge, on the other hand speed up the pattern of changes in the television industry through market regulation, to allow more manufacturers to the promotion of digital television. It is understood, LG relying on global Digital Leading edge, has been played in China pioneer role. Not only actively participated in the domestic digital TV transmission standard-setting, also introduced China’s first digital television products, allowing users to experience the digital high-definition entertainment possible.

Addition to LG Electronics for the development of Chinese digital TV contribution, and his position as a leading global digital leader LG Electronics CCTV selected important reason. It is understood that LG Electronics has a 11 in the global digital TV R & D experimental centers and 2,200 research engineers, invest more than 300 million U.S. dollars each year for the digital television technology innovation and application of exploration. Back in 1997, LG has successfully launched the world’s first high definition TV, the core chip set, has trotted out the world’s first recordable HD set-top box, the first platform interactive satellite digital broadcasting set-top box television series in the field of digital broadcasting has Landmark products and technology. It is worth mentioning that the industry has been recognized worldwide, “the father of digital TV,” Dr. Bai Yuxuan at LG Electronics Service Chief Technology Officer for over ten years.

LG Electronics is so focused on digital television, LG Electronics (China) Co., Ltd. President Cho Jung-feng told reporters, “As the first company involved in the field of digital television, the past 20 years we have been focusing on cutting-edge digital TV technology R & D and development of digital transmission standards, because we firmly believe that, give the viewer visual feast to bring high-definition digital entertainment era of innovation must be the direction of the television industry. ”

The authority of the domestic digital TV industry leading manufacturers of digital television and the global strong cooperation between the given high expectations by many industry experts. Many experts predicted that the number next door is fully open, two giants of the joint is bound to cause digital TV industry chain reaction ubiquity of digital television looming, more people are expected in 2009 into the era of digital television entertainment.

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