Information on Shaving

Shaving is the old-standby for many people when it comes to hair removal. It’s the first method they’ve ever tried out and it’s the method that feels the most comfortable and familiar to them. But since shaving first reached popularity there have been a variety of other hair removal methods developed that seem to offer a lot of benefits over shaving. How does shaving stack up these days against its increasingly appealing competition?

There are a few big benefits that shaving offers that makes it the favorite option for many people. The best thing about shaving is the fact that it’s incredibly inexpensive and it’s very convenient. Shaving, at a base level, doesn’t require a lot of equipment. Technically speaking as long as you have a razor your can shave your hair off. There are all sorts of additional items you can and should get, and you can spend a lot of money getting the highest quality razors & accessories if you’d like, but at the end of the day regularly shaving costs a whole lot less than trynono or regularly waxing, threading, sugaring or the like.

Shaving is also incredibly convenient compared to most other hair removal methods. There are people these days who wax their own legs, but the majority of alternate hair removal methods are performed in salons and specialty treatment centers. It’s still possible to get a professional shave these days but pretty much everyone shaves at home, especially when they’re shaving something other than their face. The convenience factor of shaving first thing in the morning, especially shaving while you’re taking the shower you’d be taking anyway, is enough for most people to not give other methods a second thought.

That being said there are plenty of negatives to shaving that other hair removal treatments don’t have to deal with. For example when you shave your hair you only remove it at the surface level which means that it grows back within a few days at most. There is also the anecdotal fact that shaved hairs grow in thicker and darker while hair removed through root-pulling methods like waxing cause hair to grow back lighter and softer than before. Just about every other hair removal method is “better” at removing hair than shaving.

Shaving is also relatively dangerous in terms of causing short term damage to your skin. Everyone who shaves has experienced their share of cuts and unattractive ingrown hairs. While other removal methods can cause sensitivity and a little redness none of them cause the plethora of problems that shaving cause. These problems can be mitigated by taking a lot of care when you shave, but doing so takes a lot of time and expensive materials and takes away the cost & convenience factors that make shaving so appealing in the first place.

Even though it’s far from the best way to remove hair out there (check out no no hair removal reviews for a more likely candidate), even though waxing and other methods produce a better and longer lasting hair removal experience, shaving will still likely remain the most popular and widely utilized hair removal method out there.

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