The Acceptable face of Drug Abuse

The term “drug abuse” tends to conjure up images of squalor and depravity; desperate people selling their last possessions and stealing more to get their next fix, neglecting themselves and their families in the pursuit of their particular addiction. In reality, few people who are addicted to drugs or who take drugs regularly actually live like this. Many drug users these days are actually wealthy professionals who take substances like cocaine and even heroin recreationally, believing that they can quit any time, while a increasing number of drug addicts probably don’t even realise they are abusing drugs at all.

This latter group consists of the increasing number of people who are addicted to prescription drugs, usually painkillers or sleeping pills given to them by a doctor for health reasons. Many people can live happily and healthily while addicted to prescription drugs and will only realise that they have a problem when their prescriptions are stopped. In this case, some people resort to sourcing their drugs from elsewhere, often the internet. Not only is this expensive, but it is also dangerous; if you buy medicine from the net you have no idea what it really contains and no doctor is monitoring the effects that the tablets are having on your general health. You only need to consider the death of Michael Jackson, killed by a cocktail of perfectly legal drugs, to see how dangerous it could be to self-medicate because your GP has stopped prescribing the painkillers or sleeping pills you are addicted to.

Most doctors take sensible precautions to ensure their patients do not become addicted to prescription drugs, such as only dispensing a small number of pills at a time and demanding that the patient makes an appointment if they need more, but there are lots of people who genuinely need to take painkillers over a long period of time and can, accidentally, end up as unsuspecting drug addicts.

If you believe you might be addicted to prescription drugs or know someone who you suspect might be taking more medication than they need to, there are lots of organisations that can help. Prescription drug addiction is now recognised as being just as serious as other drug addictions and many people who have abused prescription drugs – or become addicted through no fault of their own – go to rehab clinics or take other non-addictive medications to help them deal with the withdrawal symptoms.

Robin Taylor is a professional author who has written many articles on various topics & this time writing article on Narconon Fresh Start, which provides Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment facilities. For more information, visit

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