4 Ways To Screw Up Getting Your Ex Boyfriend Back

If you have just broken up with your boyfriend then you may feel like it’s going to be a long hard road to get him back, if you ever get him back that is. But the truth is that you are just in a really high emotional state right now and not seeing things clearly.

In a high emotional state you may act on impulse and do something really stupid. That’s why it’s time to take a time out step back from your emotions if you want your ex boyfriend back and want to find love again with them.

Some Tips To Help You Avoid a Permanent Screw Up

If you do the wrong thing or say the wrong thing at this point then you may end up losing your ex boyfriend forever. This is why it’s imperative to really keep yourself in check and know what you are doing and saying. Here’s some thing to remember.

Avoid The Drama Queen Role

Guys are not flamboyant with their emotions, whereas women are! When you go crying and screaming at your ex just to get things off of your chest, they see you as a big drama queen who makes a mountain out of a molehill.

Until men understand that women need to act irrational sometimes to communicate they are not going to be accepting of that kind of emotional outburst. It will either scare the away for good or make it that much harder to get them back in your life.

Don’t Try To Make Him Think You Are Okay

There’s this game that a lot of woman play after a breakup and it’s called ‘Making him jealous about how happy I am’. The problem is that this game doesn’t work too often and instead it makes you look desperate and anything but over him. Plus admit it, when you play this game and it backfirees you end up throwing an emotional tantrum. I know, we can’t help it! So don’t play this game. You don’t have to sit at home crying, but you don’t have to go over the top with your pretending.

Leave His Friends and Family Alone

You may be tempted to call his friend or sister when he’s not answering your messages and find out what the heck is going on, but this is not a good idea. If you make the wrong impression with his friend or sister than you can end up screwing up your chance of getting your ex boyfriend back because they will have influence over whether he chooses to get back with you or not.

If you have one close mutual friend that you trust then feel free to ask how your ex is once in a while. Just don’t make them the center of your conflict or they will join team ex boyfriend before you know it!

Don’t Search Him Out

It’s tempting to ‘check in’ on him to see what he’s doing, believe me I know! But don’t do it! If he finds out that you are stalking him or spying on him then he may block you completely from his life. It can be annoying and frustrating to have someone stalk you. But that’s not the only reason.

He may also be displaying things for you to see personally – and those things may be meant to hurt you! If he’s posting pictures of him and his new ‘friend’ then you may become extremely angry, bitter, or depressed. This is not something you need right now, or ever, and avoiding checking in on him will allow you to avoid that pain.

About the author:

Bellaisa mainly writes for the Relationship Circle, a blog with relationship advice on everything from common relationship issues to how to get your ex back.

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