The Detrimental Impacts of Obesity on Women

It cannot be denied that the American population is getting fatter with each passing day.  Sadly, majority of the American population is obese. This condition is not limited to adults. The children of America are also fighting obesity. Obesity has such a bad impact on the body over the long haul. Unfortunately, many of these things cannot be reversed. So, this article will point out some of the ways in which being overweight can have a bad effect on the body.

The Continuous Cycle Begins

Ask any obese female and she will tell you that she is not a very happy person.  Sure, she might try to pretend that being a big girl does not bother her, but until she loses the weight, she has no other choice but to accept her present condition. Consistent physical activity and a healthy diet will help to ward off obesity. But because she is so overweight, she cannot do physical activity without it hurting her. Each time that she exercises, it makes it impossible for her to breath because of the extra motion.

As a result, this causes her to just sit around the house. Soon, high blood pressure and diabetes enter the picture. These two medical conditions are expensive to maintain. She will have to pay expensive medical bills and high cost medicines. But, the bad thing is that she probably will not have enough money to pay for these services and medicines. She starts to get into a very bad mood. She realizes that at this point, she has to get rid of the weight, but she is too tired and depressed to do it. She recognizes that obesity is not making her life any better.  But she feels too helpless to make the needed changes to get her lifestyle back on track.

Does this situation sound closely similar to your own? This type of scene depicts a lot of women in America. Obesity negatively affects both your body and your mind.

Obesity Impacts the Body Negatively

Obesity can lead to heart disease. Because of fat, your body’s arteries will be clogged with plaque build up. When this occurs, the amount of oxygen rich blood that goes to your heart is decreased. This plaque can trigger heart attack. In extreme circumstances, this build up of plaque can lead to heart failure.

Obesity can also lead to strokes. Plaque buildup is also the culprit in this scenario. However, in this instance, the plaque will crumble into smaller pieces and change into a blood clot. When this blood clot gets too close to your brain, it can create a blockage that cuts off the flow of oxygen. This will prompt a stroke.

Furthermore, obesity results in a build up of excess estrogen. Not too many women are aware of this, but too much estrogen in the body can wreck havoc on the female body. First, it can lead to cancer of the reproductive organs when there is too much estrogen in the blood. The high amounts of fat will increase the production of insulin in the body, thereby producing more cancer cells. Secondly, the additional estrogen in your body will make your menstrual cycle get out of whack. You will not ovulate on a monthly basis if estrogen and progesterone are not in balanced.

If the proper balance is not present, you will not release an egg for the month. Obesity is one of the main reasons that many women cannot get pregnant. They have too much estrogen in their bodies. The only way to get your reproductive system back on track is to get rid of a few pounds.  A lot of times it only takes a reduction of 20 percent of your total body weight to see a difference in your menstrual cycle.

In conclusion, obesity is a rollercoaster ride that many people never seem to leave. You will be obligated to pay medical bills and medications that can wreck havoc on your lifestyle. Take action to escape the cycle now.


A diet that includes lots of fruits, whole grains and vegetables is probably the most effective way towards attaining a healthy weight. Ninja food processor can help you in preparing healthy foods. Head over to Ninja 1100 to learn more about this kitchen help.

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