Hair Loss Prevention And Some Treatment Options

Whether male or female, hair loss is a problem in these modern times due high exposure to all things unhealthy for hair such as wrong fastfood diets, financial and career stress, and the overwhelming array of synthetic hair care products available on the market. Aside from this, there may even be traits in an individual that cause progressive hair thinning because it is simply hereditary. Top hair loss causes and some treatment options can be identified in order to relieve some of these issues.

There are two categories of alopecia, or loss of hair which need to be identified correctly in order to be able to move towards possible treatment methods. Hair loss treatment specialists or hair loss experts can easily determine the cause of baldness in an individual before recommending further treatment. It is best to consult with these professionals in order have a full diagnosis of possible causes as well as being given options for treatment.

One family member of alopecia is alopecia areata, which is a condition wherein the loss of hair is temporary in nature. The head or even some body parts actually lose hair in patches, and the cause is suspected to be hereditary in some individuals. Stress and the use of many hair maintenance products can also contribute to the disruption of the hair growth. There are some studies that are out to confirm suspicions that it may also be caused by a deficiency in the immune system, causing the body to attack hair growth.

Androgenic alopecia is another type of hair loss which may be caused due to genetic hormone levels, as well as other related internal factors that are mostly undetermined to this day. Androgenic alopecia is also known as pattern baldness, as there is a definite pattern to its progressive loss, which is more visible when it occurs in men more than women. Women who have androgenic alopecia usually retain their hair, although it thins out significantly, whereas men experience baldness beginning above the area of both temples, and progressing back until it completely reduces hair at the crown.

Treatment is rare for minor cases of alopecia areata, as the stress factor is the usual suspicion for cause in many subjects. Doctors may also recommend the cessation of use of certain hair care products, as well as a change in lifestyle. Severe cases of this kind are recommended treatments, usually with products containing minoxidil, steroid creams, or steroid based injections.

Stress has also been seen as a cause for increased cases of androgenic alopecia, and cases of baldness increase during times of crisis and other historically traumatic events. Treatments for hair loss in this category are usually with products that contain finasteride, dutasteride, ketoconazole, and minoxidil. The Food and Drug Administration has duly approved minoxidil and finasteride solutions for use on the commercial market for hair loss treatment.

Handheld low level lasers were also approved by the FDA in 2007 for the treatment of androgenic alopecia in its early stages. This is another hair loss treatment option that makes use of modern technological breakthroughs, and is still going through many improvisations and changes up to today.

The more drastic measure to take when dealing with severe loss of hair issues is invasive surgery in the form of the surgical hair transplant. This is commonly the end option for those who did not respond too well to non-invasive procedures and are willing to undergo a different approach to their problem.

No matter what the causes are for the loss of hair, there are many treatments available wherein successful results may vary on a case to case situation. In order to be absolutely certain about diagnosis and eventual treatment regimens for hair loss, a consultation with, and continuous monitored treatment by, a professional hair loss specialist is highly recommended.

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