Tips for Finding a Girlfriend Online

Having issues finding a girlfriend in the offline world?

Are you usually likely to make a fool of yourself when approaching a girl, and then move away from her and keep clear of her until you are no longer embarrassed?

Or maybe your problem is that you find a bunch of girls who are not what you want in a girlfriend?

If this seems to be like you then you may need to start looking online and skip the initial approach, or improve your search to find exactly what you are looking for.

Online you can avoid the physical approach and talk from the comfort of your computer at first. This will show a girl what kind of guy you really are before you have a chance to screw it up!

Some Tips to Find a Girlfriend Online

Be Yourself at All Times

When you meet a girl online you can easily chat her up to figure out what she likes and where her interests lie. And as a bonus, if you find a girl on an online dating site you can pretty much view what she likes without even having to chat with her yet.

Remember though, that whether you find a girl on an online dating site or on a social networking site you have to be the real you. You have to convey your real passions, morals, wants, and needs in life. Why? Because if don’t be honest with her you then you won’t find the best girlfriend for you.

If a girl starts to like you because of the lies, or slight exaggerations, that you are telling her than she is falling the guy who you are pretending to be, not the guy you are. The guy that you really are and she may not be as compatible as well as the fake you and her. And you don’t want to learn this months down the road after your are in a relationship with her.

Plus, the real you will come out eventually, and if she is not happy with the real you then she will feel betrayed and upset that you were dishonest with her – even if you think it wasn’t that big of a deal.

You will prevent a lot of pain by being honest.

Don’t Bring Out Your Best Photo

I know that a lot of people suggest showing her your most attractive picture. You know, the one that captured every feature just perfect!. That’s the one that paints you in your best light, and while it is you – it’s only a perfect still moment of you.

Pictures and actuality can be quite different. In real life your face is not unmoving and you will look quite different in person than you do in your picture.

Write as You Would Normally Communicate

Before I started writing on a full-time basis, I didn’t understand how different I sounded on paper as opposed to in the flesh. Now, I write almost exactly to how I talk – especially when I’m talking to someone who I know well.

Most people size you up after observing many different things, like the way you move, the things you do, and the way you speak. So if they think you are a scholar because of the way you write, and then they meet you and realize that your persona is way different from the way you write – you may be in for a disappointment, because they may find themselves unhappy.

Now I’m not saying that if you a speech problem they are going to automatically not like you. I am referring to the words you use and how you use them. If you describe your latest trip in writing as ‘an amazing journey that gave you enlightenment you have never felt’ but in person explain your latest vacation in words like ‘a trip that let you see a lot of things’ then there is a difference in tone and it will alter the way you are viewed by others.

So if a girl appreciates you to be very descriptive with your writing than she will anticipate you to be descriptive with your words. Make sure they match!


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