Dedicated Email Domain Hosting For Your Business

When it comes to email services, there are plenty of excellent free services from which to choose. Options include Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail and literally dozens of other free email providers. However, if you want your email messages to stand out among the millions of others that cross the World Wide Web each day, you need an email hosting service that allows you to utilize a custom email domain name. This allows people to quickly recognize an email message as being sent from you or your business.

Studies have shown that potential customers are more likely to notice and read email messages sent from a unique domain. One of the biggest reasons for this is the huge quantity of spam sent from the popular free email hosting services. Though the big guys at Google, Yahoo and Microsoft take great pains to prevent and intercept as much of this as possible. professional spammers are always one step ahead. By utilizing unique email domain hosting, you can minimize the likelihood of your company emails being mistaken for spam. If you utilize email marketing, which you absolutely must in today’s Internet economy, this is essential for success.

If you have a website with its own domain, you can use your domain for exchange email hosting as well. However, there are many times when this is not the best solution. Perhaps you need a custom domain for a particular facet of your enterprise or maybe you just need an additional email domain to help track traffic. This is where a dedicated email domain hosting service becomes valuable.

Acquiring a unique business email hosting domain does not have to put a major strain on your budget. Cheap email hosting is more widely available and better than ever. There are several well-known and professional companies offering dedicated email domain hosting, including exchange email hosting, for just a few dollars a month, depending on the exact services you need. With email hosting costs as low as they are today, there’s simply no reason for any business, large or small, to not utilize a dedicated email domain for its email marketing strategy.

Whether or not you already have a domain address for your business, there’s still plenty of reasons to register additional domains. Imagine a situation where your business utilizes a different email domain for each function of operations. Perhaps you use your main domain for specific messages to customers, while you use a separate domain for customer service, and still a third for support, sales, etc. This allows your customers to quickly ascertain the messages that are most important to them and allows you to send out more messages without becoming an annoyance to people. Multiple domains are easily managed by an email domain hosting service and the costs are low.

As consumers and spammers alike become more savvy of the Internet, so must you. Email domain hosting for unique email addresses is one way to stay ahead and continue to reach your customers. With plenty of cheap email hosting available, there’s no excuse not to use it. Your sales with show the rewards.

ATOCS Domains is a premier Exchange Email Hosting provider for businesses. Their low cost solutions for website owners help business maintain low overhead costs, while also ensuring reliable email services for their employees. For start-ups, ATCOS Domains also providers an easy to use interface for Cheap Domain Names.

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