A Personal Trainer Might Be What You Need

What is a Personal Trainer? A personal trainer should be, at the least, educated and certified through a reputable fitness organization (see below). This person’s job is to assess your fitness level, figure out what your goals are (or help you set goals) set up a program and keep you motivated. He or she will push you past your comfort level–something difficult to do on your own. A trainer also provides: 1) Guidance on reaching your goals 2) Education about strength training, cardio and basic nutrition 3) A reason to show up at the gym each week  4) Accountability 5) Helps track your progress

What is a Session Like? Each session usually lasts about an hour. The first meeting is devoted to assessing fitness level, body measurements, exercise and health history and goals. Be prepared to step on the scale, have your body fat tested and answer specific questions about your goals. After that, you’ll spend each session doing cardio, weight training, flexibility or other activities depending on what your goals are. Your trainer will show you how to do the exercises, help you figure out how much weight to use and give you pointers for getting the most out of each exercise.
Personal trainers in Tampa, Florida aren’t for everyone, but a trainer provides certain benefits that you can’t find when working out on your own. Here are ten reasons a personal trainer may be right for you.

Motivation – One of the main reasons people benefit from a Personal Trainer Tampa is that they loss motivation to stick with a consistent exercise program. Certified personal trainers can provide structure and accountability, and help you develop a lifestyle that encourages health.

Individualized program – If you have any chronic health conditions, injuries or training goals (running a marathon, for example) a trainer will work with you and your health care provider to plan a safe, efficient program that considers these needs and enable you to reach your health goals.

Efficiency – Personal Trainers help you focus on results and stop wasting your time doing inefficient workouts. A personal trainer has a plan and will help you get maximum results in minimum time.

Improve technical skills – If you play a particular sport, the right personal trainer will help you improve your skills by showing you new training techniques specific to your sport. The Trainer will incorporate skills training into your program so you improve not only your strength and endurance, but your agility and mental focus as well.

You are new to exercise – If you are an absolute beginner, a personal trainer is the ultimate fitness coach. A good trainer will introduce you to a very simple, effective routine and build efficiently so before you know it, you have the confidence and knowledge to decide what is right for you.

Lose Weight – There is a good reason that the number one reason people hire personal trainers is to lose weight and get into shape — it works. If you made a resolution to lose the fat and build the muscle, a trainer can keep you on track and help you realize that goal.

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