Paints Can Provide Not Only Protection but Beauty

Paints have always been part of society’s attempt to modify its surroundings and impose a measure of control. Be it practical or aesthetic in nature, people have always relied on paints for preservation of culture, expression of thoughts and impressions of beauty. It’s very rare for any community to exude and convey any positive message without the aid of colour. Made of pigments, binders, resins, solvents and additives, paint is one of the most abundant liquid apart from water and fossil fuel that have been as integral part of any society.

Different from the paints that are used in works of art, industrial coating has a niche all its own. Defined more by its protective properties than its beauty although it can exhibit both, these kinds of paint are used mainly on buildings. They provide:

•    Protection from water/rain and other elements

•    They protect metals from corrosive material/substances

•    They provide protection from fire

•    They sometimes provide insulation

Since they are classified as industrial type, this kind of paint is used commonly in:

•    Buildings, houses and other similar structures
o          They can be used more particularly in beams, metal armatures, support frames, railings, building walls, ceilings

•    They are also used in floors especially on some garage and sports facilities that need glossy but non-slippery surfaces

They can be applied using paintbrush, roller or pressure tank outfitted airbrush tools.

Anyone that is attempting to use these should know that there more than one usage of paint and that there are dozens of special paints out there. Using the right one does not only guarantee protection but beauty as well. On the other hand, using the wrong one accidentally can result in hundreds of dollars loss. In this day of countless innovations and attempts to be globally responsible, painting a building is not as simple as buying gallons of paint and applying them as you wish. There are now options, apart from colour, surface bonding, quality of finish and brand, such as dust and graffiti resistance and environment friendliness.

Previously thought of as an oxymoron, there is now such a thing as a safe and environment friendly paint.

Some buildings or vehicles are even coated in an anti-fouling paint.

Modern buildings now are very rarely seen without an elastomeric coating. Using elastomeric paint can render any building waterproof and thus protected from elements longer. Waterproofing is just another way of saying the building should be coated with paint that is resistant to elements, should not flex, flake or fade over time. Whether you use it as wall or roof paint, it is important to make sure that your supplier provides you with the correct type of paint.

When choosing the paint supplier for you, take note that they not only carry good selection of paints but also consider if they can suggest new-age solutions as the previously mentioned elastomeric paint, infrared heat reflective coating or those that are low in VOCs. A company that does all these things are ones that know how to make any building look as elegant and attractive as possible while contributing to the social responsibility that we all share.





Author is an experienced business writer, has been writing in the business world for a long time. The article tells about the features and usage of Render, Professional Paint, Roof Paint, Texture Coating and Render.

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