How to Protect Your Skin from Premature Aging Caused by the Harmful Elements

The best anti-aging treatment of all is to prevent damaged skin from occurring. A wide range of environmental factors, from your diet to the amount of sun exposure you receive, can age and damage your skin. This can result in a dull appearance, an increase in wrinkles and fine lines, and flaking or dryness. They can even cause damage you can’t see, increasing your risk of skin cancer and other diseases. Protecting your skin from damage is relatively simple, but it does require a little extra time.

Sunlight may seem healthy, but it can actually cause invisible damage that will make you look older. It can also result in several different kinds of cancer, some of which can be fatal. Limiting your exposure to the sun by staying in during the brightest part of the day or wearing protective clothing can help you avoid damaged skin. Wear sunscreen of 15 SPF or higher when you must go outside. Don’t forget to reapply your sunscreen every few hours.

Air Pollution
Polluted air can hurt your skin, too. Dust, smog and dirt in the air can increase the risk of acne and clog your pores. They can also make your skin seem dull and older. In the long term, air pollution exposure can also cause eczema, damage to blood vessels, allergies and decreased collagen production. The same damage occurs when you smoke or spend a lot of time in smoky environments.

Avoiding polluted areas is ideal, but if you aren’t able to do so, make sure you use a gentle anti-aging skin care regimen. Wash your face carefully every day. Use a gentle product to exfoliate, or remove dead skin, twice a week. Use a daily moisturizer containing antioxidants and other anti-aging ingredients to help fight the damage that pollutants can cause.

Harsh Weather
Exposure to very hot, cold or dry environments can cause damaged skin. If you regularly go out in harsh weather, you may find that your skin feels thick or itchy. It may look dull. Some people may develop red patches on their face and hands that don’t go away. Whenever possible, avoid spending time in harsh environments. When exposure is inevitable, protect your skin by regularly applying moisturizers and other anti-aging products. Cover exposed skin if the weather is cold, since this can reduce the damage.

Hydration and Diet
What you take in can affect your skin as much as external factors. A diet high in processed foods and low in fruits and vegetables can contribute to damaged skin. So can not getting enough water or drinking contaminated water. Consume foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids at least twice a week and look for vegetables and fruits that contain vitamins C, E and A. Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily to reduce dullness and fine lines caused by dehydration. Reduce your consumption of soda and other beverages high in sugar and sodium. Avoid eating salty snacks and foods that are high in fat.

Skin Care
Your skin care routine can be an excellent anti-aging tool, especially when combined with other damage-prevention efforts. Make sure you wash your face once to twice a day with a gentle cleanser. Moisturize before going out for the day, especially if you wear makeup. Moisturizers create a protective layer on the surface of your skin that helps keep outside factors from causing damage. Whenever possible, choose products that contain sunscreens for added protection. Avoid heavy, greasy products that can weigh down your skin and make you feel older.

Katerina S. Schmidt is a reporter on the Wrinkle Cream Reviews website who knows the best of aging skin. If you found the above article useful, you may read more about skincare in Katerina’s latest article on Lifecell Reviews.

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