Padded Panties versus Collagen and Fat Injections versus Butt Enlargement Cream

Butt enlargement options are obviously designed to make for a firmer, rounder and more pert behind in the mold of Jennifer Lopez. Take note that the main goal here is to make the butt larger but not so large as to make it look like a pair of giant buttocks has been attached to a pygmy’s behind.

What exactly are your options in butt enlargement? We can mention three of the most common options, namely, topical applications specifically the popular butt enhancement cream, butt-enhancing underwear with padding, and collagen injections. Let’s then take a look at their pros and cons based on safety, efficacy and cost.

Of course, the safety of the butt enlargement option is always the most important criterion. Keep in mind that a shapelier derriere is of little to no value if and when it will compromise your good health in any way. Butt-enhancing underwear with padding is the safest option because there are no topical applications and no injections involved. Just wear the underwear like any other pair of panties, put on your jeans, and voila! You can now fool people into thinking that you have a perkier butt without suffering through butt enlargement surgery.

Both of the last two options carry the risks of side effects including bacterial infections, skin allergies and physical deformations mainly because of their potentially harmful ingredients. This is all-too-true with collagen injections where the injected substance can lead to bacterial infections that, in turn, cause severe asymmetry in the buttocks. Further surgery to correct the problems is then necessary. With a butt enhancement cream, you can immediately stop using it when side effects like skin allergies do occur.

When it comes to efficacy in butt enlargement, collagen and fat injections are the most effective because results can be seen almost immediately. The emphasis is on almost because the swelling from the surgery must first subside before the improvements can be appreciated. However, we must point out that butt enhancement surgery has more than its fair share of safety issues, as discussed in the preceding section.

As for butt-enhancing underwear, you can only fool individuals some of the time but not all of the time when you are wearing it. This is because your derriere seems fake even to untrained eyes – the foam can fold in unnatural ways when you are in the act of sitting down, for example. Plus, you will not want anybody to touch your butt for fear that your secret for a bigger-looking butt will be exposed, not to mention that you cannot wear the underwear to the beach.

With the best butt enhancement cream in the market, the results will take weeks of regular application to appreciate. You must also eat the right foods and do the right exercises to complement your natural butt enlargement efforts. The good news is that the results are more permanent than a butt-enhancing pair of panties and far safer than collagen injections.

Obviously, the most expensive option in butt enlargement is collagen and fat injections because you have to pay for the surgeon’s fees, the post-surgery care and other incidental expenses. It is definitely not an option for a cash-strapped individual. In contrast, a pair of butt-enhancing underwear and a butt enhancement cream cost just a small fraction of the price for surgical procedures. You can easily purchase these items without straining your bank account.

So, which one of these butt enlargement options is the best? We would have to say go for the butt enhancement cream but ultimately, only you can decide what is best for you.


Shaniqua Jefferson is a fashion icon in her society and she knows that good body shape brings out the flavor of any fabulous dress. Shaniqua often uses different bigger buttocks treatments to buff her bottom perfectly. Her dairy of her latest favorite butt enhancement cream is now online for everyone to share.

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