Inmate Records

The reasons why people need to get access to inmate jail records vary. Maybe you’re interested in knowing if a friend of yours is currently being locked up in prison, or you’re interested in covering a story. Whatever your reason is, the good news here is that there are many places to get their records for free.

BOP – Bureau Of Prisons One great place to start your inmate jail records search is the Bureau Of Prisons. The BOP has an official website that is open to the public. All information available in the site is free and their information is dated since 1982. When you visit their website, you can use their online inmate locator in finding inmates and in digging their record. The only thing you need is the name of the person you are looking for. They also offer an online check list of names in their database. To get accurate results fast it is recommended to fill out as much information as possible, such as name, race, age, sex, and date of birth. Information about these inmates also include their offense, history of violence, date imprisoned, and date release.

Internet Search Engine Another way to find out an inmate’s record is through internet search engines. There are many websites aside from BOP that offer free online inmate jail search.

The internet is currently full of resources that you can utilize and use. Usually, when you do an online search, the list of prisoners and inmates after hitting the search button is really long. The secret is entering as much personal information as possible. By entering date of birth, sex, race, and full name, you have a good chance that you will get the information your are looking for fast.

If you did not find records on the person you are looking for at the BOP site and also the free inmate jail records services did not give you any results, then I recommend subscribing to a paid inmate jail records service. These services cost around $15 and will get you detailed results within some minutes.

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