SEO marketing and what is involved for the future

SEO is one of the newest forms of marketing and one of the fastest growing commercial sectors with the marketing industry. SEO or search engine optimisation is considered an art form as it takes a certain amount of skill to achieve high rankings for the generic keywords. Many people or companies say that they know SEO, but only a select few have the skills to achieve high ranking naturally without Google placing a penalty on the site. The type of SEO that causes this penalty is known in the industry as black hat SEO, and can result in your website being removed from Google listing as your authority seems unnatural to Google. Black hat SEO is better known as buying links to your site, which means that your website goes from having a limited number of links to 10,000 overnight which will be picked up by Google. When a search engine spots that you are performing black hat and they will spot you as they manual review links; you may as well scrap your website as it is very difficult to get back included into Google natural search results.

When you are performing link building activities you need to make sure that you are doing it naturally and slowing building up the authority. Also it is important in the early stages of your SEO campaign that you not only build links to keywords, but you use brand terms as well, as this is a good way in Google judges whether your link building is natural. Also when performing your activities like this you need to make sure that you are doing it from a number of different sources and not just from one website. It is important that you build up your backlink profile from a number of different sources and not one type like an article website for example.

Social media is going to play a big part of SEO in the future due to Google now integrating social results into its natural search results. Another factor that will a big in search engine optimisation in the future will be the Google Plus, as this will change search results based on what their friends or people they know are viewing. Another big factor that is going to play a major part in SEO is mobile search as this will affect how you target your website and making sure you have a full mobile search strategy in place. The future of SEO is very much going to be mobile search and social media so you need to make sure that your company is ready for these changes.

Though SEO agencies London are still young, people are interested in where the industry is headed in the future; many digital marketing agencies London are already on to the big things in the future of SEO.

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