Terrible Twosome – Maybe the BOB Revolution Duallie Stroller is Right for You

There are a few reasons why you might need a stroller built for two. Perhaps you have had twins recently and need two for that reason. Or, maybe you have two children close in age. Because it is rarer to need a double stroller, they are not as common to find. Luckily, the BOB Revolution Duallie Stroller is available. If you loved the single BOB stroller, then you will like the Duallie model as well. It offers the same quality as the single BOB strollers and many of the same features and benefits.

About the Duallie
The BOB Revolution Duallie Stroller comes in three different colours including black, orange, and navy blue to suit any child’s need. It has a swiveling front wheel that allows you to spin the stroller on a dime. Most two seated strollers are very hard to turn sideways or pivot because all four of the wheels are locked. When you can quite easily turn with the BOB Revolution Duallie Stroller, it really opens up the possibilities of how many places you can take it, and how easy it is to use. Because two children can sit in it instead of a single one, whether you have twins or two children you can live a lot easier without having to transport two separate strollers around with you constantly.

What Customers Think About BOB
The BOB Revolution Duallie Stroller retails for almost $700. You don’t want to buy something like that without getting a few opinions first, right? Reading online customer reviews is the best possible way to make a decision like this. It gives you the opportunity to hear opinions from people who have really used it in their own life and can tell you whether or not they would recommend it. So, what are customers saying about the Duallie?

“I am the mother of 4 children, ages 16 years – 10 months, so I have had MANY strollers in this stretch of time and I will say the BOB Revolution is the very very best by far! It is so comfortable for my son and rolls so ultra smoothly. The handlebars are high enough that you don’t have to hunch over”
-Jennifer Helm from Amazon.com

Clearly, customers are very happy with their Duallie strollers. If you have multiple children and need a transportation stroller option for them, then the BOB is a wonderful choice.

Buying BOB
Purchasing a new BOB Revolution Duallie Stroller is a lot of fun. Checking out the various models and colours and making the decision can take a while, but it is worth it.

Kristy loves her BOB Ironman stroller which takes her twins to go jogging since they turned eight-month old. Find more of Kristy’s smart buy for babies at her BOB Revolution baby joggers fan site.

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