Your baby and body 11 weeks pregnant & 14 weeks pregnant

At 11 weeks pregnant your baby will only be about 1.5 inches (35mm) in length and will still be looking like a little alien with her head and body about equal in size and her skin so transparent that blood vessels can be seen through it.

And yet this tiny little being is already kicking, stretching and clenching her fists her diaphragm is forming and she’ll be hiccupping regularly while this is happening (although she is so tiny you will be unaware of these movements).

At 11 weeks pregnant the webbing between her fingers and toes will have disappeared and tiny tooth buds will be forming.

Her bones are beginning to become harder and the sex organs are developing. The intestines are now able to make constricting movements in preparation for later. It’s also the beginning of quite an active phase for your baby who will be somersaulting in the plentiful amniotic fluid.

This is a period of great changes for baby with her senses rapidly developing so she can now feel sensations. It’s thought that if you listen to relaxing music and think happy thoughts your baby will now be able to sense your mood and will react to it.

At 11 weeks pregnant it is usual for any nausea to subside. You’ll hopefully be feeling a little more energetic although fluctuating hormone levels may mean that you experience some constipation and heartburn.

You shouldn’t have gained much weight by 11 weeks pregnant.

14 weeks pregnant

Just three weeks later at 14 weeks pregnant there will have been many major changes with your baby almost tripling in size to about 3.5 inches/9cm long and 1.5 ounces in weight. But as she is still so tiny the downy hair, or lanugo, continues to grow all over her body to supply extra warmth.

By now your baby may be contentedly sucking her thumb, squinting and frowning. Brain impulses will be sending messages to baby’s facial muscles causing her facial expressions to change and she’ll be kicking and punching with her tiny feet and fists.

Her pancreas and kidneys are continuing to develop and produce hormones and urine. Baby’s liver is starting to secrete bile and her spleen will be helping in the production of red blood cells.

At 14 weeks pregnant you shouldn’t be feeling any nausea, but unfortunately a few women will still have the dreaded morning sickness – a small percentage will have it on and off all day throughout their pregnancy.

But usually at this stage of the second trimester you’ll be more energetic and your breasts will be less sensitive.

Your growing uterus will mean that you are probably showing a baby bump by now and you may also notice the veins on your chest and breasts are dilated and more noticeable. The areolas of your breasts may be darkening and growing in diameter as your body starts preparing for breastfeeding.

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