There’s nothing better then Wiz Khalifa Quotes

Interested in Wiz Khalifa Quotes

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Wiz Khalifa

Wiz Khalifa Quotes and Sayings are now more popular then ever. Ever since his debut single “Black and Yellow” people have been going crazy quoting him. His expression “taylor gang” became a trending topic on Twitter for several days. Wiz Khalifa has made hundreds of songs, which fans have heard every one. Wiz has some of the most devoted fans, more then any other artist. He sells out stadiums, so no wonder thousands of people are quoting him amoungst their facebook & twitter pages. Some of the most popular quotes are from his upbeat radio songs, which everyone listens to, not just his die hard fans.

People really enjoy quotes of anything he said at one time or another, this time it is proven on Google. The search term “Wiz Khalifa Quotes” has hundreds of thousands of search results, all websites offering quotes of things Wiz Khalifa himself has said. The number rises weekly as he progresses in his career and gains more fans. He just hit the main stream in 2010, and has only grown in popularity since then. Hip hop insiders predict that Wiz Khalifa will be one of the most popular artists in the next decade to come.

So, it’s no wonder people want to post Wiz Khalifa Quotes all over their social networks for their friends to see, not only to look cool, but to spread the word of Wiz. Over the next decade watch for Wiz Khalifa to make it more and more into the main stream, he’s recently done songs with numerous pop artists, and the songs have reached #1 on the billboard top 100 charts. For more celebrity quotes visit us at

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