Perfume Market: Pain And Happiness

Unless the “Valentine’s Day”, in the year, the other dull days, perfume sales are always tepid, this summer is no exception.

Idea to build consumer bottleneck Although the luxury perfume into their daily lives, from the initial start in the interpretation of taste, the full performance of decorating taste, but for most consumers, it still belongs to the scope of luxury consumption. According to Maoyebaihuo East store marketing perfume Guizu Miss introduction of volatile perfume and sun exposure effects of intensity, so much perfume seasonal consumption were divided by temperature, but only one is real big season once a year “Valentine’s Day.” Usually buy more than a birthday or a special Valentine’s Day between the fixed purchase their own consumption only use less than 30%.

Since it is a special props to create a romantic mood to accept the limited nature of consumer groups, cut off age of 18 to 30 years old, younger consumers show distinct trends. This part of many people is the economic independence of young people like to have their own life decisions, in dealing with customers and friends in the process of the opposite sex, more and more attention to perfume to convey their personality and temperament. Manufacturer’s attention is also the largest customer base, Zhi Ding, and even introduced a brand of baby perfume, it seems made up his mind, so that “young people” started at birth perfume.

If the concept of factors of exclusion, from the perfume of the price analysis, the largest group of consumers should be 30 years old??? Between the age of 50 years, the world’s perfume sales experience has confirmed this. Because of this age have a higher income consumers, consumption can have a more leisurely option. Seen in this light, tepid fragrance market is actually far from mature, due to consumer concepts, really big customers are not patronizing. Price of domestic brands do

First import consumption and is probably the success of “Dream of Paris” series, the success is due to the popularity of their price. 30ml common type price 30 yuan. “Qing Fei” the price slightly higher, 50ml type around 80 yuan in seven. The same manufacturer of men’s perfume prices higher, but less common type are in the hundred, round the romantic dream of many people.

Taste and fragrance is the concept of consumer spending, so price is not the dominant factor in the decision, with the change in consumer attitudes and acceptance, how long I’m afraid the price card will not be useful. The current market has exposed the weakness of pure price line, the foreign influx of many well-known perfume brands have not only to a certain extent, more inclined to buy more to calm the market, causing unrest in the original piece of chaos, and have to re-partition of foreign brands ambitions.

Several large shopping centers in Shenzhen perfume counter in a circle, the reporter’s feelings in the face of perfume piece of the future “fat”, the domestic manufacturers to respond not working. Many cosmetic manufacturers only the perfume of its products as an additional part of the structure, both species have some inherent or propaganda. In contrast, foreign brands tepid seized with an eyeing the market every year there are always new brands enter the Chinese market. Reporter in a former shopping center perfume Guizu a bit rough statistics, in addition to perfumes such as the CD started the cosmetics brand, DuPont, Cologne, Chanel, Hong Qiu, love and more than 20 brands ranked shoulder to shoulder, no better busy. According to squeeze in so much foreign brands mainly optimistic about the only “IPO” appreciation potential.

Foreign brands lead the fashion Now the number of foreign brands on the market three years ago, more than four or five times, It is understood that foreign sales of perfume filled the cosmetics market share of more than 20%. The world famous perfume brands account for one full play the advantages of the latest trends, on the other hand to quickly adapt to soil and water, according to the Chinese market characteristics introduced species adapt to market the product.

Although this year the latest trends in the international fragrance and back again spicy, rich flavor, but it can not synchronize the light of domestic fragrance market trends without completing it.

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