Occupy the Bankers

Given the firestorm brewing in the credit markets of Europe it seems to me that not only the Greeks but the Italians and Spanish better brush up on where and how to sell gold jewelry for cash. Not that it’s rocket science or anything. The only things with any real value are still in great demand, just not between the hours of 8:30am and 1:30pm. Those traders on the COMEX must be the aliens that Paul Krugman keeps hoping will come and wreck something so we can deficit spend a whole lot to rebuild it.
The great liquidation is upon us and the banks are not going down with the ship, though they should. It is their stated goal to bankrupt everyone if they go down.
Don’t believe me? What then was that shake-down by Hammerin’ Hank Paulson (Mr . Clean, money launderer) all about then? TARP? TALF? How about calling it what it truly was, just good old fashioned blackmail? Like it or not we have owners as the late, great George Carlin reminded us just before he died and they are not giving up what they think is rightfully theirs both through entitlement and a sociopathic need to dominate and use those they know in their hearts are inferior.
If there were any karmic justice in this world, and believe me, there isn’t, everyone one of these evil bankers would be taking it just as hard as we are. But, that’s not on the table. The message to Greece and Italy was very clear, do what we say or we will make you do it. The very idea that the Greeks had a right to vote on the terms of their enslavement was so anathema to the powers that be that they committed a coup d’état. We couldn’t let another Iceland happen now could we?
If voting truly changed anything they would have outlawed it years ago. They just did in Greece.
That’s the message folks. Do whatever you have to in order to satisfy the insatiable lust for power and lucre that our masters demand of us. sell gold rings, houses, the clothes on your back whatever it takes. But you know and they know that it won’t be enough. So, it’ll have to be your natural resources as well as your labor and your children’s labor so that they are born into a debt-slavery the enlightened world was supposed to have gotten rid of in the 18th century.
The old adage really does not apply anymore. If you owe the bank a thousand dollars it’s your problem. But if the bank owes another bank a trillion dollars it’s still your problem. Yeah, like I want to sell my gold necklace to cover them.

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