How to Make the Best Possible Results Doing Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T

Through the various means people go through in their quest to get better looking abs, there are some basic threads of consistency.

It doesn’t matter much if we are talking sit-ups, crunches, or using abdominal gadgets sold on TV through an infomercial.

First you need to attack the muscle group in some way that works all areas that make up the mid-section.

Second, you must give yourself the best opportunity to bring out those cuts. This means that you want to focus on eating better to reduce fat build-up.

This also means you want to make sure that you are exerting yourself to shed excess fat. Just doing ab exercises alone will not do the job.

Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T is in many ways a radically different approach to getting great looking abs. Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T is program starring the same trainer many people know from the challenging  but awesome Insanity workout.

The theory behind Hip Abs with Shaun T is that you can achieve just as much working your abs by incorporating standing exercises such as dance moves as you can sitting on your butt in the traditional format.

The genius of this approach is that dancing around and moving your body is a lot more fun than grinding out a bunch of sit-ups or crunches.

Hip Hop Abs with Shaun T immediately captures the vast market of people who hate those exercises but want fit abs.

Still, to maximize your results with Hip Hop Abs (or really any abs program), you can consider the following specific strategies.

–Focus on eating more natural foods that have minimal preservatives or processed sugars such as corn syrup.  The reason this is important is that these substances convert to fat very easily and aren’t easily processed by the liver.

–Try to avoid eating anything after 7 pm and if you must, stick to water based fruits like oranges, apples, pears or grapes.

–Get your sleep. Studies show that people engaging in precisely the same workout program get varying results based on the amount of proper rest they get. You want to sleep 7 hours minimum and try to make sure you are in bed by 11 or earlier.

Another big key is patience. One of the biggest reasons people fail in any workout program is they expect to see amazing results too quickly.

It’s important to remember that you didn’t get out of shape overnight and you won’t get in great shape that fast either.



Cheryl Boswell is a writer and researcher on home fitness and health products. You can save time and money by getting FREE in depth news, features, and reviews on home exercise equipment, workout programs, health, and nutrition, including discounts and best prices at

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