Some Facts About The Cosmic order Service

The cosmic order service is an ancient concept but has become extremely popular over the last decade. Many famous people and celebrities are raving about it and giving credit of their success to having made a cosmic order. How does the cosmic order service work? And what makes it work for some and not for others?

To be able to comprehend the facts about cosmic order, you should distinguish first what your mind is and what it can do for you. Our mind has the capability to think. The mind is somewhat connected to the movement of the Universe. The mind knows what you believe and what you want. Knowing what you want, deciding that you want this, and believing that you will get this is the remarkable power of the mind.

Recent studies have shown that the tiniest bits of matter known as quarks move about and when they jump levels, quantum leaps, they have the capacity to actually change the matter’s make up. What makes them jump levels? The answer is; Energy. It is what the mind creates continuously. It makes sense that if you direct the energy to what you desire, you create your own reality.

Some of us are not aware that we can change the pattern of our life. This is because we do not know how about it. Most of us get disappointed and become hopeless when we see the failures of other people. We only notice the imperfections rather than the provisions. We tend to envy their success and what others achieve. We never thought that we can do it also for ourselves and that we can also be successful with our own abilities.

Spending years in negative, poverty thinking, has been the reality of many people’s life. This kind of thinking becomes a habit and they feel that there isn’t enough good in the universe to provide for everyone’s needs. They place the blame on luck and past karmas. These people feel that they are receiving what they deserve, but they forget a vital point; you deserve for you believe you deserve. If you are also the kinds who worry about money matters, about health and never really think that good can happen to you, you never will be disappointed because you are using your cosmic order service. You get what you firmly believe in.

There are some people who feel that suffering is noble and they can never be perfectly happy. Their thoughts tell them to work hard or else they have no worth in life. As a result this ideology which is ingrained into their mind as small children is constantly reinforced time and again.

If you feed your mind with ideas that tell you it’s immoral to be wealthy, to be happy or healthy, your life will evidently follow the course of action you believe. This is your cosmic order service and you have yourself asked for your miseries. Your beliefs have created this reality for you.

The good news is that this all can change. However, this means that you need to delve deep in your mind and subconscious and undo all that you have ever learnt about life. You need to spring clean your mind and completely throw and destroy the clutter. Positive thinking is easier said than done because your mind needs to believe what you say. There are many ways and means to actually create happiness in your life.

You can try hypnosis, chakra healing and balancing and affirmations to get aligned with the universe. Binaural brainwave training frequencies waves are also a great way to connect your mind with the universe and use the cosmic order service.

These rituals and brainwave frequencies will prepare your subconscious mind to interact with the forces of universal energy by freeing the mind from all negative thoughts and create new and positive desires for a positive outcome.

Nothing comes free in this world. The price for whatever you desire from the cosmic order service is knowledge. The knowledge that you can be and have whatever you want in this very lifetime. All you need to do is get rid of old beliefs and instill new ones. This requires courage, patience and persistence but can lead to a lifetime of pleasure and happiness.

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