How Do You Learn How To Salsa Dance in Clubs?

People that come to my classes always ask:  How do you make these salsa moves look so easy to do?   I simply tell them: practice makes perfect.  I like to give them sneaky tips on how to dance salsa.  But is there one perfect way to learn how to dance in a club and master salsa?

Learning Salsa Rhythm

The most important aspect of learning how to dance salsa is its rhythm.  The salsa rhythm needs to be mastered to become a salsa king or queen on the dance floor and turn heads.  Getting a sense of the rhythm is necessary to embody the spirit of salsa and can be brought out by an experienced instructor, but when you think about mastering your inner salsa rhythm, you need to pay close attention to your instructor and mimic their moves perfectly.  If you want to become a salsa dancer, and want to learn how to dance in a club you must feel the rhythm and practice the moves day in and day out!
Learning the Styles One at a Time
Learning the basics of salsa, you may come to find out that there are many different variations.  This can be confusing to the first time learner.  There’s a New York Style salsa, an LA style, Cuban Salsa.  These are very popular in every club and there are many lovers of the rhythms who know them all and dance them with such style, grace and class you must think it was natural to them.  It is ideal to partner with a more experienced dancer when you are learning these dances, that way you have a model to dance after.  Do not mix styles while learning how to dance in a club, stick with one that flows well and the one that comes natural to you.  It should be fun, not a confusing challenging experience.  In anything we do in life if you start out with the basics first, you will be able to build and add your own unique twists to become a salsa king or queen at the club.

Blend of Salsa Class and Salsa DVD

When you find yourself yearning to learn how to dance salsa, the salsa class is the best way to do so.  In addition to the classes, there are other resources you can make use of, like the best types of instructors.  They need to be able to teach fluidly yet simplistically so that you have a model to dance after.  Many experts have put out DVDs at every level of expertise, so you have a plethora of videos to choose from based on your level.  Every genre has its expert as well.  A rich blend of class and salsa makes these DVDs the ones to watch to learn the basics.
These tried and true ways to help you learn salsa and will give you the needed basics as well as the freedom to impart your own techniques into the routines, making you a god or goddess of salsa.

Want to learn How to Dance Salsa? Check out our website on How to Dance in a Club and a host of tips loaded in it.


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