How to Maintain Dental Hygiene

How to Maintain Dental Hygiene
Invisalign are clear sets of dental aligners’ that are worn on the teeth to straighten them properly. Prior to this medical procedure, braces were the only option for straightening overlapping and misaligned teeth. Invisalign are changeable after a period of two weeks and are worn at every stage by the patient to exert a certain amount of pressure. This force provides the desired shape, where the teeth are fully aligned. Patients must ensure, however, that they clean the aligners and provide proper dental hygiene to avoid any discoloration and foul odors. The one benefit with invisalign is that the risk of dirt and food being trapped and infections is minimal. Constant cleaning of teeth and removal of the aligners after each meal enables you to maintain top notch dental and oral hygiene. Due to this, invisalign has proven to avoid many dangerous side effects that may have been caused by traditional braces. With these aligners, there is no risk of getting any infections in your supporting tissues or any gum diseases.

Another benefit afforded by invisalign is that the company that manufactures it also sells professional cleaning products. The dental aligners come along with a set of special crystals that, when mixed with water, turn into an effective cleaning agent. When you use this solution often, it will help you remove any plaque and other remains from the aligners. Sadly, there are no soft bristled toothbrushes available for brushing dirt of the aligners. In addition, using toothpaste is not advisable. This is because many different types of toothpaste have various harsh abrasives known to cause damage to the aligners. Due to these reasons, you are encouraged to mix water with a dish washing detergent and clean the aligners as an alternative. When it comes to solutions for cleaning invisalign, a range of quality products can be found in most pharmacies. Before you go ahead and purchase any kind of cleaning solution however, ensure you can meet each and every direction required when cleaning. It is of great importance that you rinse away any excess cleaning mixture before you return the aligners back into your mouth. Two cleaning agents that are very similar in nature to the invisalign cleaning system are Retainer Brite and Sonic Brite. They come at a price which is affordable.

Moreover, both products provide a sort of vibrating, cleaning motion that enhances the effectiveness of the product. Additionally, if you feel like the cleaning solutions are not keeping your aligners as clean as you would like, you can always get new aligners. When using invisalign, you should know that there is more than one option for maintenance. There are also different denture cleaning products. They come in lots of varieties including tablets, powders, crystals and foams. They are also really cost effective when used over a long period of time. These mixtures are packed with an oxidizing agent that will help in the removal of stains, destroying microorganisms as well as solutions, smells, enzymes, dyes and detergents.

If you cannot afford the solutions and still want to maintain your aligners, you can opt for homemade solutions. They are the cheapest way to keep your aligners clean and fresh. A combination of vinegar, hydrogen peroxide and a bleach mixture with water can be a good option. If you are not sure what the best method to use for maintenance, consult your orthodontist. He or she will be able to offer you a variety of options that will keep your aligners clean, fresh and free from harmful dirt and germs. Furthermore, he or she will also help you avoid any difficulties you might come along in the name of maintaining the invisalign.
Enzymatic Cleaner

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