Test 000-N14: IBM SPSS Collaboration and Deployment Services Technical

IBM as a worldwide IT company has the most recognized position in the world. On account of its efforts in the field of It, IBM is improving its reputation day by day. IBM qualification are recommended in every large and method business and guarantee the IT professionals maximum chances of career development. The trend of getting IBM qualification is improving with the passing of time. Though, there are many other worldwide IT companies offering numerous IT qualification yet the value and acceptability of IBM qualification remain untarnished.
Test Details
This exam 000-N14 is targeted at IBM SPSS Collaboration Providing Business Associates.
This proctored specialized support team expertise exam 000-N14 is appropriate to back up experts who plan to provide Stage 1 and Stage 2 support to IBM SPSS Cooperation and Deployment Solutions customers.
This specialized expertise exam 000-N14, IBM SPSS Cooperation and Deployment Solutions Technical Collaboration Mastery Test v1 satisfies one of the specialized requirements for the IBM SVP Collaboration Provider Program and number as an expertise point toward Advanced and Leading PartnerWorld account levels. To make your specialized support team expertise depend, you must upgrade your PartnerWorld information.
It is wise that the selection complete the recommended education prior to attempting this specialized support team expertise exam.
Exam Topics
Item Utilization (3%)
1. Explain the Cooperation ability of C&DS
2. Explain the Deployment ability of C&DS
3. System Structure (5%)
4. Explain the objective of C&DS program architecture components
Prerequisites & Set up (17%)
1. Identify installation prerequisites
2. Explain installation process
3. Explain migration methods
4. Explain techniques to avoid decrease in data
Content Control (12%)
1. Explain how to control Item Properties
2. Explain how to perform with objects
Administration (18%)
1. Explain how to allow a Protection Provider
2. Explain how to control customers & groups
3. Explain tasks & activities & their relationship
4. Explain where to find database settings options
5. Explain how to set hosting server qualities & individual preferences
Jobs (18%)
1. Explain how to make a job
2. Explain how tasks can be scheduled
3. Explain the installation of individual signals to database events
4. Explain how to observe Position of Jobs/Job Steps
Collaboration with SPSS (7%)
1. List which SPSS products perform together with C&DS
2. Explain how to set up Modeler Adapters
3. Explain procedure to shop products into the material repository
Packages & Areas (7%)
1. Differentiate how hosting server offers are set up compared to how the consumer up-dates are applied
2. Explain the procedure to implement a C&DS patch
Troubleshooting (13%)
1. Explain how to diagnose customer & hosting server issues
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