Preparation Guide of 9L0-063 Exam

9L0-063 exam is recognized as Mac OS X v10.7 Troubleshooting Test. This exam is one of the necessities for the candidates who are seeking Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT) certification. To achieve the Apple certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT) certification passing the following two exams are vital.
1. 9L0-063 Macintosh OS X Troubleshooting Exam
2. 9L0-010 Macintosh Service Certification Exam

This exam evaluates knowledge of Macintosh OS X, accentuates troubleshooting of Macintosh OS X version 10.7, and concerned understanding of Macintosh OS X 10.7 to detect typical Macintosh OS X issues.
Career Prospects
Apple Certified Macintosh Certification (ACMT) validates a Candidate’s aptitude to carry out primary troubleshooting and grant him the privilege to carry out repairing tasks on desktop or portable Macintosh System, (e.g. iMac, MacBook Pro). When you achieve Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT), certification Apple may hire aspirant as an Apple Authorizing Service Provider (AASP) or Self Servicing Account (SSA).
Ideal Aspirants
This certification is valuable for technician and apprentices hired by Apple Authorized Service Providers (AASPs) and Self Servicing Accounts (SSAs). It is also favorable for Individuals who are looking to authenticate their awareness and aptitude of Tech Service and Support. By attaining this certification these individuals can boost their credentials in sight of perspective employer, such as Apple Resellers.
Course Outline
Following topics are included but not limited. It is strongly recommended that aspirant must have knowledge and skills in every topic of this list.
• Features and Requirements
• Installation
• Startup
• File System
• Application Environment
• Accounts and Permissions
• Time Machine
• Troubleshooting Networks
• Additional Troubleshooting Tips
• Tools and Techniques
• Troubleshooting with Preferences
• Troubleshooting Practice
Questions are multiple choices requiring a single-response or multiple-choices requiring multiple-answers. Answers are measured correct if all required choices are marked. Limited responses will be considered as incomplete and incorrect answer. This course is available in English language.
Certification Validity Period
This certificate is valid for one-year period after that candidate will have to take re-certification exam to stay up to date. Individuals who are not employed by Apple or AASPs or SSAs are not required to stay current.
Registration Process
Prometric Testing Centers control these exams. Prometric Testing Centers are situated in different cities of Canada, United States of America, and chosen cities of North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific.
Exam fee is around 150 us$. An Apple Tech ID number is essential for registration of this exam. If you do not have one already, please visit the following website for registration of Apple Tech ID number.
After receiving your Tech ID number, visit the following website for online registration of this exam.
Please call Toll-free number of Prometric at 888-APL-EXAM (888-275-3926) for further details.
Preparation Tips
Apple provides extensive training material for all candidates. Two days and five days courses (Trainer-led Classroom Training Session) are also at your disposal for the preparation of this exam. Contact your nearest Apple Authorized Training Center (AATC) for additional information regarding classes and scheduling. 9L0-063 exam is recognized as Mac OS X v10.7 Troubleshooting Test. This exam is one of the necessities for the candidates who are seeking Apple Certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT) certification. To achieve the Apple certified Macintosh Technician (ACMT) certification passing the following two exams are vital.
ExamKill is your ultimate source for affordable preparation material for 9L0-063 and 9L0-062. Visit to claim your copy for just $25 today.

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