Improve your work life balance with Indigo’s concierge services

Do you feel like there are just not enough hours in the day? To get through your to-do list do you ever dream of cloning yourself, or perhaps getting your assistant an assistant? Then allow Indigo ( to vastly improve your work-life balance with our affordable and flexible concierge services.

Perhaps you are looking to relocate to Gibraltar and have a million things that need to get done, or you have been living in Gibraltar for years and feel your work-life has well and truly fallen off-kilter, whatever the case, our concierge services are for you. It doesn’t matter whether you are a private customer or a commercial client; whether you could do with a little help for yourself or you need a veritable army of assistance for your company department, Indigo can help.

The range of tasks undertaken under the umbrella of ‘concierge’ really is vast, from domestic chores, shopping, ironing and dry cleaning collection; Spanish and Gibraltar administration and basic company jobs such as refilling stationery orders or purchasing corporate gifts; to just about anything our customers can think of that they need help with! Outsourcing all of those essential but frustrating tasks is at the heart of our concierge service in Gibraltar, because it helps to lighten the load and free up valuable time for our customers to focus on their career, loved ones and leisure time.

In line with lightening the load, we’ve ensured that using our concierge service is as easy and convenient as possible. Our unique points system makes ordering and paying for services simple and allows the Indigo concierge team to be able to respond to customers’ requests in the shortest possible time. Customers purchase Indigo points in multiples of 10 to pay for whichever services they require, with each service having a different hourly rate. When a job is booked, the points are deducted from the customer’s account and the job gets done. There is also an online expense account which customers can top up so that the Indigo team can carry out requests without having to come to the client for payment.

It couldn’t be easier to offload all those tasks that stop you from furthering your career, spending more time with your family and friends and relaxing with your favourite hobbies. Bring back balance in your life with our concierge services. Sign up now at the Indigo website at

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