Quantitative section will explore the development direction of building – 1064nm

China's energy gap than the great European
Many developed countries attach great importance to the work of building energy efficiency, with the development of society, constantly revised building standards, such as Denmark has revised six times, Britain, France, Finland, Germany and other countries have also revised four times. Many European countries in increasing living comfort conditions, energy consumption per unit area of new buildings has been reduced to the original 1 / 3 to 1 / 5.
At present, most of the thermal heating region envelope function worse than the climate is similar to many developed countries, external heat transfer coefficient is 3.5 to 4.5 times their outer window of 2 to 3 times 3 to 6 times the roof, doors and windows of the air permeability of 3 to 6 times. Now, European countries, the actual residential energy consumption in heating has generally 6 liters oil per square meter, or even in Germany, in 2005 there have been 3-liter house, approximately 4.3 kilograms of standard coal per square meter. In China, up 50% of building energy saving, its heating energy consumption reached 12.5 kg per square meter should be about 3 times European countries.
    Germany's building energy efficiency work is very good, there is a lot worth learning. Germany in 1984 before building standards and heating energy consumption in Beijing is almost, annual consumption per square meter from 24.6 to 30.8 kg of standard coal, but in 2001, the German figure was reduced to 3.7 per square meter to 8.6 kg of standard coal, the building energy consumption down to the original 1 / 3, while in Beijing the figure is 22.45. China is energy-efficient residential heating energy consumption of unit building area is their more than 3 times the national standard, this can be seen, we have a large gap between developed countries.
Energy-saving idea that people need to be improved
Building energy efficiency in China and Europe in the gap not only in technology, more importantly, embodied in the concept.
The most obvious manifestation is the question on whether the customary window. In China, it is generally used to open the window ventilation mode of living. However, people may not realize, regardless of our good the building energy efficiency, as long as a window, a lot of energy will be lost, our energy conservation efforts would be meaningless to speak of the. There is the understanding of different South and North China. Many of the South do people think that building energy efficiency is a northern thing, because the heating problems of the South does not currently exist. In fact, not true. The average high temperature of the South, air conditioning use a relatively long time, and air conditioning energy consumption is great, plus most of the existing residential buildings in the South have not taken energy-saving measures, therefore, strictly speaking, the south building energy efficiency work to more severe than in the north, should be cause for concern.
Building energy efficiency services for comfort
At present, the idea for energy conservation, objectives, means are poorly understood, are the lack of full understanding. Summed up for the energy problem, "a Middle School Low" for high comfort and low-cost, low power, low-skilled.
We advocate energy saving, but saving is not our purpose, high-comfort is the ultimate goal. What kind of environment it is in terms of comfort? Using quantitative methods can be divided into several grades of energy-saving measure. First of all, to ensure the comfort temperature, summer temperature is 26 degrees Celsius in winter to maintain 20 degrees Celsius; Secondly, comfortable house with air conditioning to function, that is, the wind plant new ones, each of 30 cubic meters per hour to ensure of fresh air to meet the health indicators; Third, to ensure proper humidity, strictly speaking, 40% to 60% of people feel more comfortable in the humidity ratio; Fourth, in the room to control the flow of the wind speed, can not let people feel uncomfortable.
Energy can not rely on "plaster" like high-tech
There are many energy-saving buildings in China is a "plaster" piled like technology. Application of a project, several energy-saving technologies were considered to achieve energy efficiency goals. This "plaster" like energy-saving technologies and energy conservation can not be achieved throughout the building, which can only be developed publicity stunt. He believes in building energy conservation work, we must emphasize an integrated concept, to learn and optimized.
Now, many people believe that high-end residential building energy efficiency is to be of concern, in order to achieve building energy efficiency will require substantial cost to solve technical problems. Kai Yan said that in fact in the construction industry, the application of what we do not need high-end technology. We just want some of the more mature and rational application of the technology integrated together, and good technology to effectively integrate into the building construction process, we can realize the construction of energy-saving. He stressed that building energy-efficient technologies should not be a mystery, let its popularity. We are fully able to present a mature, general technology support, with low-input method for consolidation, so that everyone can enjoy the high comfort, low energy homes.
Effects on quantitative measures of energy saving building
Of course, to achieve the optimal combination of energy-saving technology is not an easy task. To solve this problem, energy experts Habitat and Environment Committee, made a brave history of "energy quantization" concept. Habitat Environment Committee of the newly established "Habitat-line Technology Development Co., Ltd." is preparing to promote "energy quantization" various concepts associated with the work. They use computer software, on a variety of factors affect the indoor environment, for computer simulation, the energy-saving, comfortable, healthy goal to quantify the fall in all corners of the building, and construction technology of these factors integrate, to reach different Building the overall energy saving. According to the simulation, choose the most economic and effective design, and quantitative data as to the form shown in the building design, construction, inspection process, should be strictly in accordance with the quantitative standard.
Habitat and Environment Committee was established last year a "technology platform for Habitat," Habitat and technology to new technologies, new products, build an information exchange, marketing, engineering industry platform. Currently, many technological achievements, and construction of new materials have been landing platform, these technological achievements and building many new materials and foreign advanced technology and materials compared to the same effect of its application, but the prices are generally lower than the equivalent of foreign products . If we use "Habitat-line Technology Development Co., Ltd." and "quantitative energy-saving" simulation approach, bringing the advanced technology and good materials optimized together, can achieve a low cost investment, low technology integration to create low-power , the goal of highly comfortable residence. ? Kai Yan?

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