How to improve the conditions of the original MP3MP4 sound quality-MP3, MP4-IT i

Sound quality for MP3 Terms like beauty, is as important for women, the saying goes, the world no ugly women only lazy, not bright white skin, not only can not be changed, women can get up early every 2 hours to take the trouble of painting, but also with other internal conditioning, adjusting endocrine; also be a change every three months hair, wearing a lot of money for jewelry to divert attention; outside is terrible, and to improve internal training, temperament is the key.

Terms for MP3, the sound quality of congenital defects can also be acquired through access to good effect to remedy. Starting from the outside, the user can change to improve the quality of higher ear listening effects of good quality can also download compressed audio format; As for internal changes, consumers may wish to adjust the equalizer to learn a little bit of technology, in short, you want to listen to good music like women do, begin it hard up.

Been recognized in the sound quality on the iAUDIO i7

The so-called good-quality one to refer to restore the good, meaning that the effect of compression with almost the same recording, which is commonly known as a good source. Another explanation is that playback of the player itself is good, which to the internal chip, circuit design, and back-end tuning technology closely. Currently active in the domestic MP3 market will focus more on most products to the top of the video playback capability, especially in domestic models, it has left the domestic consumer and light weight features the impression of sound quality. Some enthusiasts have even given up to re-pick up to buy MP3 CD To listen to songs. Of course, the market still has a lot of brands stick to the sound quality advantages, such as Sony, iriver, iAUDIO, etc. Some of its high-end products. Higher quality requirements for a friend, I suggest that you buy MP3 strictly when, all models deeply flawed rule, no matter how much additional functionality can dowry, no matter how much it can save you initial investment.

Yi could competitions before and after the photo had comparison

But if lucky you have chosen a product defect is not very serious, then later to remedy or satisfy certain needs. As a not very beautiful woman from another hair style, body suit their clothing, the gap is to cry, do not believe we can look at before and after competition had Yi can change.

Page 2: A replacement remedies Headset

Remedy one of the replacement headphones

Awareness of domestic consumers for the same headset wandering the narrow concept of the parts, many people are willing to spend nearly 1,000 yuan to buy a MP3, but not willing to spend 200 yuan to buy a headset. As everyone knows now to maximize cost savings, these headphones are also greatly reduced the standard accessories, and even the Sony MP3 headphones are equipped with CD and are far less MD Equipped with headphones. What is the situation needs to change the headset

Evaluation Edit Zhao Yi gives the following recommendations:

A generally high-end products in order to ensure pure music MP3 sound quality, fairly can be equipped with headphones. Although the total price of the product high, but always good value for money, good sound quality in access cases, the expenses saved up to buy headphones. Of course, if your ears for high, another better the greater the effect.

Basis, to replace what a good product better headphones

Second, look at MP3 chip, if you buy the use of SigmaTel, RK chip product replacement headphones is still very worth it, if your MP3 inherently inadequate, it does fit the money saved. Bad sound quality on the machine itself, with a good headset not only failed to play a good role and brought a lot of flaws magnified.

How to replace the right headphones?

Audio editor Wang Yue evaluation gives the following recommendations:

First of all, 200 up and down affordable. Generally you buy MP3 price up and down in 500, and then spent to buy the same headphones, I am afraid that most people can not accept. 200 is almost all psychological price ceiling, if your ear is not so spiritual, then, the price of the product enough.

Recommend Sennheiser MX360 In addition, 200 full range up and down the headset, compact, remote control operation, stylish, low-frequency strong … … to meet the requirements of most people. But also a beautiful custom-made for Ms. headphones, color, stylish design to love.

Triangle ATH-CK1 and OVC T50 For the sound quality will be a lot of subjective understanding of the impact of levels, multiple choice, multi-experience is the best option. Furthermore, we need the user's own favorite type of music to choose, listening to pop sounds of IF we should care for ear, a sense of low frequency volume processing, listening to classical ear of the sound field will have to focus and resolve, if the ear can take into account other aspects, the more ideal .

Page 3: remedies for adjusting EQ II

Remedies of the two adjusting EQ

First author or to patiently reiterate the difference between sound and sound effects. Quality, mainly refers to the quality of sound, such as the degree of clarity and realism. Main emphasis on the "voice of the source" description. Sound effects, mainly refers to the sound of the sound, mainly for "the sound into the ear" description. Therefore we can say regulation will not directly affect the sound quality audio performance, but will affect the ultimate listening experience.

Present, most domestic models in both the general public will provide some sound patterns, such as POP, ROCK, JAZZ, CLASSIC, VOCAL and so on.

NORMAL: Normal sound, increasing all the bands are not any bad, for like an original friend

POP pop: it requires both a combination of vocal and instrumental music is very average, so the volatility curve is not great.

ROCK rock: it's high and low ends to enhance great bass for music is very powerful and strong sense of rhythm, treble part of the clear and even harsh.

JAZZ Jazz: It increases the 3-5kHz part, this is a presence of the band, it affects the language and clarity of sound and musical instruments. Enhance the band, people feel the distance between sound source and listener seem a little close to some; attenuation 5kHz, the sound will make sense of distance farther away; if made in 5kHz rise about 6dB, then the voice will sound throughout the mix power increase 3dB.

CLASSIC classical music: it is also upgrading the level of two parts, the main highlight the instrument table

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