SEO Tips For The Novice

SEO can be a complicated topic. It can baffle even the brightest of minds, but don’t let that sway you. Listed below is a compilation of tips for SEO novices. Just by using these tips you will be ahead of other web-masters by 75%. Why? Because most web-master don’t even know about SEO or haven’t taken the time out to learn about it. They just build their sites for amusement or hobby. However, you will destroy them, take their traffic, and earn more. All you have to do is take action.

SEO Tip Number One: Before you even begin building your site you should know about niches. You should know what your niche is and who is actively searching for. You do this by conducting keyword research. Keyword research is the act of searching potential keywords that you can rank for. You should be looking for low competition and a moderate amount of searchers per keyword. Use these keywords in your content (articles, videos, audio).

SEO Tip Number Two: Your domain name should have the main keyword you are attempting to rank for. A good example: “”. You would get this name or some variation of it for website if you were building a website about golf lessons. Of course this is just an example and the above domain likely taken.

SEO Tip Number Three: Always analyze the competition for your keyword. You don’t want to attempt to rank for keyword that has a large amount of competition. The less competition the easier it will be to rank. The easier it is to rank for the more traffic you will get. Simple, effect, and completely functional.

SEO Tip Number Four: Now that you have a great keyword domain and a list of good keywords to rank for. It is time to create your content. Make sure that you optimize your content by using the h1 – h4 tags. It lets the search engines know what is “body” and what is “title”. It also will help increase your rankings and index time. Never, ever, use your keywords too much in content. You will end up being penalized and possibly de-indexed. Only use the keywords once or twice at most. Always have your keywords in the title though.

SEO Tip Number Five:
Have a link building plan ready to go. Link building is the key to having good rankings in the search engines. They are actively looking for links that are pointing to your website. The more the better, but remember to keep the links related. If you have links for an adult site pointing to a kid friendly site. You can see why the search engines would penalize you.

Search engine optimization comes down to consistency and link building. Keep updated with all the latest search engine algorithms and changes by visiting forums, blogs, and social networks. If you continue your search engine optimization education, you will always be a step ahead of other web-masters.

For more SEO tips for webmasters, visit our site:


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