Follow simple tips to lock and protect your bicycle

Bicycle is the most popular and easiest riding vehicle around the world. Cycling is a form of healthiest workout to keep you fit. No matter what is your age, cycling is preferable for all age groups, but it is also important to protect our bicycles from getting stolen. It is light in weight and can easily be stolen by the thieves. So use bicycle locks to keep your cycles safe and secure. There are many types of locks available in the market, which vary in sizes and prices.  U locks, cable locks, chain locks are the different kinds of locks for the cycles. Cable locks are preferred as compared to all other locks as it contains integrated cable to handle. A cable lock is made from the strands of thin wire and provides strong protection to your cycle.

Generally people say that it is easy to lock the cycle, but if the task is not done carefully, you might lose your cycle. One percent of carelessness is enough for you to lose your bicycle. You need to follow some simple tips to protect your cycle.

§         Always ensure to lock the cycle in various parking areas like college campus, shopping mall parking area and other areas.

§         Do not keep the cycle in same location every time, whenever you park.

§         Make sure that you lock your cycle to an immovable object, so that it cannot be lifted.

§         Ensure that the key way faces down so that it is not easily accessible when others try to open it.

§         Place the cable lock around the immovable object, rear wheel and the middle rod and lock it.

§         Wrap the cable lock twice around the bicycle frame and the fixed object to protect it.

§         Lock both wheels to prevent wheel removal.

§         Keep minimal space between the locking equipment and the cycle.

These are some methods to prevent thievery in the parking areas. It will just take a few minutes, so be careful when you park the cycle. If you bolt it properly to an immovable object, you can avoid your cycle from getting stolen. If you prefer extra protection, then try double locking method with two cable locks, one in front wheel and one in back wheel. Generally, it is not easy to carry two locks, but with cable locks you don’t have such problem as they are light in weight and can be easily to carried. So keep your cycle safe and secure with cable bicycle locks.

Get more information on Bicycle locks & Bicycle spare parts

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