Fashion Omega Replica Watches – provide you unusual Christmas

The Omega Speedmaster was the first watch worn on the moon. The Omega Speedmaster was the first watch to be worn on the moon, when the July 21, 1969, Neil Armstrong made his leap for mankind. NASA had fixx WGO for all astronauts, four years earlier. Seems the natural thing that Buzz Aldrin have been using Replica Omega Speedmaster when he stepped on the lunar surface.

Before NASA made its selection, the Speedmaster and its rivals were subjected to rigorous testing: a low heat for hours at a temperature of 93 degrees Celsius (199 ° F), then immediately frozen at -18 (-0.5 ° F ), left in pure oxygen for two days, beaten, compressed, decompressed, vibrated … The Speedmaster was the only one to emerge and within the allowed deviation of 5 seconds per day.

What makes the Speedmaster so special?

A clock that goes into space faces challenges is unknown in the land. The atmospheric pressure inside the clock can cause the glass to operate in conditions of near zero gravity. Speedmaster The glass is fixed by a clamp ring capable of supporting five times the pressure experienced in space. It is vital that the internal pressure should remain constant; otherwise the lubricating oil adheres to the moving parts to leak, preventing the mechanism to work properly, and darkening the glass. A vacuum inside the watch also is that the piece would run too fast: it would prevent the steering wheel (which regulates the movement of the gear train) properly. The glass is both thick enough and elastic enough to withstand the enormous differences in temperature encountered during space flight.

Speedmaster: there when matters

The Speedmaster was the watch of choice in 118 space missions, two polar expeditions and a host of other pioneers. Speedmaster was the time the nail-biting 14 seconds Apollo 13 took the wounded man to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere in 1970. Five years later, at the height of the Cold War, when the American Apollo spacecraft docked with the Russian spacecraft, Soyuz, the Speedmaster was there. When the symbolic handshake took place between the two crews, it became clear that both parties were wearing a Replica Omega.

It can be hard to believe, but in 2009 the Speedmaster has been around for half a century. And their success will continue. In 2011, the Speedmaster is used during the “Solar Impulse” issue, where an aircraft pioneer efforts around the world, day and night on for more than solar energy. The inaugural flight is scheduled for sometime in 2009.


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