How to Dating with Senior and her Kids

If you are particularly attracted to a dating services woman older than you and she has kids, there are some rules to dating that you might want to heed.

1. Think long and hard about it. She’s been through the dance of life and has kids to prove it. You have to be ready to compromise about her priorities: kids, career, money, time, and freedom. You have to be ready to get serious about her in case she wants a commitment. Think about wanting children and if you are emotionally ready to take on someone with so much more experience than you. Can your ego take it?

2. Always put her needs as a woman foremost. Remember the lines from a Billy Joel song that goes “She’s always a online dating woman to me.” She is woman first and a mother second so when you take her out on a date, make sure she has a good time and you treat her the way that she should as a woman. She is dating you because she likes the way she feels when you’re around. Isn’t that enough to send you over the moon?

3. Don’t force her to introduce you to the kids. Not just yet. Wait until she and her kids are ready to meet you. Understand that it’s devastating for her kids if you suddenly break up with their mom. You know she can handle it but her kids are a different story, so wait until she invites you home to dinner with her kids.

4. Act naturally around her kids. If you earn your stripes and do get invited to her home to meet her kids, don’t force yourself on them. Instead, act naturally and be yourself. They won’t like you at first. This is perfectly understandable since you are pictured as someone who wants to replace their women seeking dad. Go slow and go with the flow.

5. Never interfere with decision-making between Mom and Dad. That means, the woman you are dating and the man she used to be married to. When it comes to affairs having to do with parenting, take yourself out of the picture. This is not your territory. If she vents out her frustration to you, just listen but never take sides until you two are married.

6. Be prepared to accept that she will break dates and change plans. All in the name of putting her children’s welfare first. Think of this as a positive thing. She’s a great mother who puts her children’s needs first. Anyone should understand – that includes you.

7. Be honest about your feelings. There will be times when you will feel neglected because of the demands motherhood places on her. Don’t keep it all bottled up. Always talk honestly about it and let adult datingpartner know how you feel.

In the end, if it gets too much for you, it would be better to put a stop to it than continue pursuing it when it’s clearly not working out.

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