Extreme Rock Climbing For Ultimate Fitness

Extreme Rock Climbing For Ultimate Fitness

If you’re looking to get in shape or if you’re already in shape and you want to get in even better shape, extreme rock climbing will definitely do it for you. Extreme climbing is designed to prepare you for actually climbing outdoors, such as on cliff edges. You’ve seen movies where people are hanging off of cliff sides as they try to reach the top. That’s extreme rock climbing. It’s exhilarating, it’s great exercise and there’s nothing else like it.

Find A Gym

To begin extreme rock climbing, you’re going to have to find a gym that teaches it. Extreme rock climbing uses the same wall as regular rock climbing so you should be able to find a gym that offers it. The difference between extreme rock climbing and regular rock climbing is that it’s faster, it doesn’t use the easy pegs to get to the top and you must use every muscle in your body to force yourself up the wall. If you’ve never done it, there’s no other work out like it and most people just can’t hang with it. You should probably try regular rock climbing first before you get into extreme rock climbing, but it’s definitely something every rock climbing enthusiast should try.


Once you get good at extreme rock climbing, you will be among the top rock climbers. A regular rock climber just can’t hold a candle to people who practice extreme climbing. So you could always teach regular rock climbing after having done extreme climbing, or you can get as good as you can at extreme and teach that. When you teach extreme rock climbing, you have to be good because you have all your students to worry about. An instructors first priority is safety and since extreme rock climbing is so dangerous, you must have eyes everywhere so that you can ensure everyone is safe while they’re pushing to get up that wall.


Once you’ve gotten good at indoor extreme rock climbing, that’s when you should take it outside for the real thing. There’s nothing like the rush of scaling a cliff using the skills you learned at indoor extreme climbing and once you reach the top of whatever cliff or mountain you’re climbing, you’ll be able to look down and say to yourself you’ve done something not many people can. That should feel pretty good and that’s a feeling most people who practice extreme rock climbing feel on a day to day basis.

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