The wow elemental shaman to 4.0


Cataclysm with a lot of things change, and some of these changes come with the 4.0. For the elemental shaman there will be no major upheavals like the hunters for example. Still, not so minor changes will make us reconsider some of the gameplay and itemization. There is a possibility that some items still changing by the release of 4.0, but it should not be any major changes.


I will address in this part all that changes with this patch:

The talent trees. Yep 4.0 with the new trees come with a small number of talents by industry and also a small number of skill points. At level 80 we have 36. There are in addition to other changes like this that we can not put points in other branches as they did not at least 31 points in elementary branch.

The talents themselves are changing for some, others are merged, and some disappear altogether. By cons-level leveling things will be simpler. Because at level 10 (with the first talent point) it acquires new spells: storm, Elemental Fury (critics who are 100% more damage), and shamanism (reduced cast time among others). Cons by a large black dot is the loss of the heavy thunder, that we can acquire at level 80 with the master.

The system of glyphs: 2 major changes. The first is the emergence of a kind of spellbook for glyphs. This grimoire permanently stores any glyph you have learned. So you can switch between each glyph combat without needing a stock glyphs in your bags. The only thing you’ll need are specific dust to clear a glyph assets and replace it with another.

The second change relates to the number of glyphs and the emergence of a new category. It now has 3 with 3 glyphs by class: the primordial, adults and minors. The primordial regroup glyphs that have a significant impact on dps. Majors can change the gameplay without changing the DPS. For minors it contains the same as at present, these glyphs making only changes kikoo or economic components of fate. I will detail the glyphs and their categories a bit further.

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