Why Sell An Established or Profitable Website?

If you’ve ever wondered why in the world anyone would sell an established wesbite, your not alone. Having a few extra dollars at the end of month goes a long way to fulfill ends meet, but purchasing a wesbite when its profitable can be a win-win situation for everyone. Chances are if a seller is looking to sell a property, it’s for one of the following reasons.

1. They’ve taken it to the limit

Not a PHP or Java expert? Don’t worry, most of us aren’t, but some sites require specific expertise and knowledge to build and maintain a site. Most sites require back-end database and custom programming knowledge. The same also holds true if a seller just doesn’t have the vision and they’ve taken it as far as they can go without additional expertise.

2. It cost more than expected

It’s easy to get carried away if you have a wild imagination or have big plans. If you’ve ever built a house, you can understand what a web developer might go through when they plan to build a site. Sometime budgets are blown and a seller if forced to sell and get what they put into it.

3. It’s too time consuming

Websites require constant maintenance and attention, especially once they’re live. Blog posts (like this one) require writing and research, and pages always need updating to keep the content fresh. This helps with the SEO of a site, but if you’re not quick to update you could lose customers or visits and your website could be left in the dust.

Many people start out with the intention of only spending a few hours a week building their site, but this can easily spiral out of control. If you’re a creative developer, your definition of done may never be completed, only requiring you to spend more of your free time maintaining it.

4. They fell out of love

Ever purchased a new car and then sold it a year later? We thought so, and you’re not alone. One great idea can often spawn lead to another and it may be on bigger and better things after a few short months or even years. Sometimes a seller may choose to sell a site if their passion just isn’t there. This happens to everyone, and someone’s loss can be your treasure!

5. It’s on to bigger and better things

As previously mentioned, one great idea can often spawn another. In some cases a certain niche or feature of a property can spin off to the next big thing. Time aside, the seller may choose to sell his previous property and concentrate on a new venture.

6. Their broke and need the money

Ok, we’ve all been there. Whether is because you just lost a job, the roof needs repairing or your son or daughter’s college tuition is due, we could all use some extra cash. In some cases a seller is just looking to cash out on all the time and energy he or she has put into the design and development of a site.

7. Flipping is it

Professional “site flippers” are out there and there are a lot of lumps of coal out there just waiting to be found and turned into shining gems in no time at all. In many cases site flippers target these sites to make a handsome profit, and it turn give you the benefit and luxury of a shiney new site to do with as you please.

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