Asked Hacken Lee, Toward Cataclysmic strategy under the TV coverage – TV, Hacken Lee, the media – radio and television network of industry

TV Puzzles: cover breaking hard? Trail friends know that during the recent "coverage" of the problems many TV senior officials, in Media Environment with dramatic situation, they have been Tianwei to the elite only, but also a breakthrough in trouble due to worry about coverage. Variables such as the face of complex and diverse, to carefully choose and good selection of urban area? How the science budget to cover the huge cost of coverage? A TV lead, once jokingly told reporters: "Buy TV Play money to pay a bit later, you can also buy a second point of equipment, money can be less to the point of public relations could be less money to spend, but for the cost of coverage, when not to pay fees when the interruption. "The implication is also to make the hearts of many of the helpless Road. Particularly in recent years, with the rising cost of a network, central city analog channel scarce resources, most of the TV are all competing for consumption under the heavily developed city squeezed into the administrative wired network The results cover the face of second-line the following cities, knowing not to give up, but did not choose the direction and focus is a little embellishment to do some simple cover, or touched on the implementation of two cities, covering the following work, hardly not come out covered in tape on the overall contribution. with colleagues of the doubt, " Advertisement Main "magazine reporter interviewed senior advertising Hacken Lee, friends and readers to discuss the TV coverage under the radical change strategy.

Answer doubts the first move: rationalize the coverage targets
In covered areas, we often such a confusion: Road Pre-(cover) or vehicle before a (content)? Some people worry about other road opened and no money buying a car! Hacken Lee told reporters, coverage and content of the relationship in fact go hand in hand, is theoretically able to run after the cart road, but this is the word theory, most TV is always coiled in this dilemma, as if stuck to the chicken from and egg cycle of cause and effect relationship! However, we in the face of the Chinese market as a whole, when can not cover everything, how universal net, fishing is the key focus. He believes that the key is to straighten out the FAQ covering the primary and secondary objectives, which is for political propaganda purposes, to improve the ratings performance, to meet the customer group Sell Needs to cover up the crowd. Ye are all good reasons glance, but the cost of covering the cost of fixed expenses, covering the results came back after the change must meet these four expectations, it must attempt to look at senior leadership and expectations, does not by it again whole.

Hacken Lee said that most of the developed economy sub-TV group, the more stress to promote performance. TV revenue base very unstable results emphasize the need for customer groups, the needs of customers through the city's economic indicators to plan the construction of channels and markets, not just the city's administrative status. Have to respect this type of TV coverage to do to listen to advertising departments. As for the TV ratings and stable group of natural ability there original content, of course, we must look at the performance ratings and share, and other TV in the pattern of how the individual competition in the market to squeeze in after strenuous actuarial TV ratings have no value, it is careful thought to the place.

FAQ The second measure: the market positioning coverage

Many TV coverage is still to have the number and ranking as the only key indicators covering the performance. Hacken Lee's views on this issue more dialectical, he thought the number covered by the amount of costs directly affect the level of coverage, accurately grasp the cover "several" quantity and cover "quality" of the relationship between the amount in order to accurately calculate and to optimize coverage of the "value" This close relationship with the city point selection variables! He told reporters that the city and the mainland coastal city coverage "value" quite different, which is well-known thing, but the coverage "value" is high, certainly relative to pay the cost of more precise calculations it is necessary to cover costs optimization, optimization is based on the quantity and quality must be reasonable compared to the cost and coverage to make a point of symmetry of the plan. Cost constraints of the TV must be good selection of non-central city areas, in fact three or four tier cities also have a good geographical advantage and economic development of the space in the country's overall macroeconomic strategy for the layout, no longer limited to people familiar with the Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta or the Bohai Sea, but all over Xinjiang, Urumqi, Inner Mongolia Erdos, Dongying, Shandong, Tan, Xiamen, Guangxi, northern Bay, Chengdu-Chongqing region, such as different blocks, in other words, by the gradual flow of traffic routes, has been gradually reduced the distance between urban and rural areas, are different after the formation of a new economic cycle, again to build new consumer cycle, not a separate population squeezed into metropolitan-based community, but as the economy after the implementation of business district, a lot of people's livelihood supplies under the sales channels are bound to move the terminal, so that countries generally consistent with the pattern of economic development. offers high quality suppliers and high quality products, such as Interface Converters , 16E1+1Gigabit PDH Multiplexer pdh multiplexer for domestic and oversee buyer. To know more information, please visits

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