How Can a Winery Use Personalization to Benefit Their Email Marketing Efforts?

Email marketing presents a low cost way for wineries to reach new audiences and keep their products in front of customers. Unfortunately, actually reaching those audiences is becoming increasingly difficult for a number of reasons. Even legitimate marketers are finding it tough to get results that were easily achieved just a few years ago. The good thing is that there are plenty of measures a winery can take to improve their email marketing efforts, and adding a touch of personalization happens to be among the most effective.

Proper Greetings
The easiest way for a winery to personalize their email campaigns is to greet their customers by name. We have all received something in our inbox from senders who use our names to make the message appear more friendly and personal. However, there is a trick to using this method successfully as you must approach your audience the right way. So for example, if your list contains both consumers and distributors, it would be wise to greet the general customer by their first name, and greet the store owner who sells your wine by a salutation such as Mr. or Mrs. Sure, it may seem like a simple matter, but how personalization is used to greet your audience can make all the difference in terms of results.

Target Different Segments
Getting the most from your personalization efforts typically requires you to drill down and break your list into multiple segments. For instance, let’s say you have two groups of customers who regularly purchase your wine. One group is located in your city, the other in a foreign country. Even though they may be purchasing similar products, the location aspect means these segments differ greatly. You can get much better results by targeting these different groups with messages containing personal elements related to where they live, which should be pretty easy by using the data obtained at sign-up. Whether it is wine brands that have a local connection or a rich foreign history, this technique could result in more responses, clicks, and conversions.

Triggered Messages
Adding a personal touch to your message certainly has its benefits, but wineries can also use personalization to better their email marketing efforts based on the “triggered” concept. This can be done by simply setting a message up to be delivered when specific events occur. For example, each time a new subscriber joins your list, you can have a message set up to arrive that gives them a nice greeting and reinforces the benefits of the relationship. You could also send triggered messages based on birthdays, anniversaries and other dates that hold special meaning to individual subscribers. Using triggered messages is a very effective way to achieve personalization and build relationships with your audience.

Proceed With Caution
The most important thing wineries should take from this article is that using personalization successfully is much more than segmentation and automatic tactics. It is about making your message flow in a natural, conversational tone. Simply remembering that your audience is comprised of real people will make it easier to develop personal email campaigns that get satisfactory responses.

Kevin is a best practices activist and advocate for creating a
successful email marketing plan

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