You’re a Loser!

(Caution: Proceeder Discretion is Recommended. Strong Inappropriate Repulsive Words in what you’re about to read. Proceed at your own Risk.)

Alright, so you’re out on a Friday night, meeting tons of ladies, having fun, your spirit is cranked up, your state is unstoppable, you never experienced life this before…and then all of a sudden some idiot approaches you and calls you “stupid”, “loser”, “pathetic”, etc.

Your heart misses a beat, your physique heats up, you ear tingles “Oh no, I did not just hear that!” Your first knee-jerk reaction is that you are prepared to pound this individual out KO. … or either you’re having trouble thinking of an amusing response to aim him back, and so just stay there with crickets heard in the distance until it is too late.

If you’ve ever encountered a fight when out, it would as usual proceed something similar to this:

The first individual would say “Screw you!”. The other fellow would then say “Screw you motherscrewer, I’m gonna screw you up!” as a return response, and the other guy would reply “Screw you!” again. This never ending “Screw-You Argument” gets without a doubt childish and useless and even humorous after awhile.

It’s like “Screw you!” is the only clever thing they can think of up to assault the other person back with. That is their reptilian-brain taking over instead of taking a step back using their evolved thinking neocortex-brain to generate responses.

A lot of people have asked me how to manage insults and disparaging verbal bullies that can occur whenever you go out because other insecure guys will be threatened by your presence to the girls they have eyes on, but fear not, I’ll give you some devastating tactics to take care of these situations.

From personal experience…I was bullied a lot when I was younger, and I thought about this like a mad scientist and developed ways to counterattack this into easy “social structures” to be utilized repeatedly.

You will learn extremely effective tactics to counter these malicious people, but I caution you not to use them for evil.

For this reason, Get ready for “The Art of Conversational-Combat Jujitsu!.

Suit up your Jujitsu-uniform and prepare to be a world-class verbal-combat champion today!

I’m going to share with you some powerful social structures to be used in regards to conversational Jujitsu when somebody does verbally attack you.

A lot of advices out there tell you to simply don’t register them for they are not worth your attention like it is still high school, and that is fine; however, the attacker will not necessarily stop the attacks in the future.

Ignore them is the simplest way, but I challenge you to social experiment, in addition, putting these folks in their place give you a sense of victory.

If anything else, go with the flow, and never get defensive and succumb to their frame.

The frame you want to come from is, “How can I make the attacker look pathetic because of his action?”

When you are out there, there will be people who will mess with you, and you have to arm yourself with the tool that reverts their own attack back on them to make them be the idiots they set themselves out to be.

A mirror attack, like in Aikido, the form of martial arts where you divert your opponent’s energy attack right back on them. Reverse and reflect the damage back on them so the aggression is not associated with you.


Ever see in a fight, whoever is the individual (Person A) getting bruised up by the other (Person B) is always the automatic assumed victim and your innate instinct is to just step in to help that Person A who is getting torn up by Person B, even though it probably never came to mind that Person A could be the one who harmed Person B in the first place, but it’s superficially unfortunate that Person B is more buff, furthermore Person An is using the “victim’s card” to emote surrounding sympathy to bruise Person B.

Unfair isn’t it?.

This happens a lot especially with girls.

A guy punches a girl, and then hell breaks loose for that guy as all the other guys jump in and will beat the crap out of that aggresser who punched that girl, regardless of what she may have done to him first.


Now you know why you want to redirect the damage caused by the other person back at them to let the fool destroy himself from within; and you’re dignified enough to discard the victim’s card

The vulnerable spot is to keep the spotlight on them and the things they are saying conveys about themselves, NOT on what they’re actually say.

“What’s with the messy hair? Ever heard of a haircut.”

“Somebody seems to have hair-problem.”

Candidly, I don’t like doing this because I rather befriend the guy and even add him to my social circle, but there is a certain time when you have to let diplomacy go out the door.

So here are the tricks of the trade. Remember always accompany these with a smile.

Some of my simple default blunt answers would be “Cool”, “I know”, “That’s awesome”.

And now the social structures you can use over and over again to guide your responses are:

– The Question Counterattack

Counterattack with a Question. Respond everything they say with a question.

Attacker: You’re a stupid idiot!
You: Are you seeking advice on to be it too?

– The Expert Counterattack

This technically makes them seem like a big-know-it-all douche-bag.

The equation of this social structure is you would start off with, “Yeah, and you would know because…” and whatever they said to you, employ it right back on them.

Attacker: You’re a stupid idiot!
You: Yeah, and you would know because you’re the expert on stupidity.

Attacker: You’re a pussy!
You: Yeah, and you would know because you have the largest pussy hole of them all.

– The Sarcasm Counterattack

Agree and Exaggerate to the Ridiculous Extreme with sarcasm

This one is great because it’s very straightforward yet the most fun one you can have. Simply go with the flow and agree on what ever the other person said but exaggerate to the next level that it becomes laughable that everything else that follows is taken as a joke.

Attacker: You’re a stupid idiot!
You: Certainly my good man! My therapist tells me I need to stop crying like 3 times a day, every day, every year because you’re jealous of my stupidity and you’re not stupid enough, that I’m broke, homeless, nobody loves me, everybody hates me and never talks to me except for you. You’re my new best friend of good ole buddy ole pal.

– The Clueless Counterattack

Silent, Don’t Register, Stale-Face, Eye-blinking…Hmmm?

You don’t have to do much with this one. For those of you who like to stay non-reactive, this will probably be your favorite one but with a little added spice.

Whatever that person says, keep giving them a repeated blunt “Hmmm?” without registering their words. Let it be apparent that you’re toying with them because you understand what they’re saying but not twitching like a stone.

Doing this over and over again, and constantly making them repeat themselves to hopefully agitate them, they would usually quit, if not use the other counterattacks.

Attacker: You’re a stupid idiot!
You: Hmmm? (stale-face, eyes blinking)
Attacker: You’re a stupid idiot!
You: Hmmm? (stale-face, eyes blinking)
Attacker: I said you’re a stupid screwing idiot! (getting more annoyed)
You: Hmmm? (stale-face, eyes blinking)
Attacker: Got something in your ears?
You: Hmmm? (stale-face, eyes blinking)

– The Assumptive Counterattack
Make up an senseless assumption about the attacker that makes them look like idiot of what they are saying or to your favor.

Attacker: You’re a stupid idiot!
You: And you must be a world-class genius.

Have you now realize the convenience of knowing just some simple social structures to generate unique responses every time, contrasted to memorizing x-amounts of clever witty comeback lines that you would probably forget?

But Gabriel, what if somebody do say “Screw you!”?

Hot Girl: Screw you!
Me: You wish. (Assumptive Counterattack)

Asshole: Screw you!
Me: If I were into dudes like you, you would be the last person.. (Assumptive Counterattack)

Did you realize the frame I put on the interaction with my response to the girl laying it so that it appears the girl wants to have sex with me? I’ll save this lessen for the future.

Always focus on the other person, on the “you”, not on “I”. This way you shine the spotlight back on themselves and they will be forced to justify and defend themselves, then you’ve gotten them right where you want them to be.

Finally, here is an example of a full interaction with all these counterattacks applied, that happened to me one night when I was out talking to a girl when this attacker came up to me:

Attacker: Ewww…

Me: Awww, poor baby boo needs his mommy to clean up his “ewwwiee” mess? (Question Counterattack that makes him look pathetic)

Attacker: What’s with the shirt?

Me: Hmmm? (Clueless Counterattack)

Attacker: I said what’s with the lame shirt!

Me: You like it. Wanna have it? (Question Counterattack) It will look so much better on you. (Assumptive Counterattack)

Attacker: I ain’t gay like you!

Me: Yeah, and you would know…that would make you the biggest queer in the room then. (Expert Counterattack that makes him the gay one instead)

Attacker: Screw you! (finally losing control)

Me: Sorry, but I have gay friends I could hook you up with. (Assumptive Counterattack)

Notice how the more he continued on attacking, the more he continued to shoot himself in the foot and became the victim of his own aggressive attacks. All I did was reflect all the attacks back on him.

Generally speaking, let the attacker be/create/cause their own demise, without you being guilty.

So now you have some powerful social structures to deflect any verbal confrontation, so please don’t be the conflict-illiterate with the only response “Screw you!”…don’t want to corrupt the kids around you.

These social structures are my tools of the trade I’m passing on to you that you promise me will be used with responsibility.

Now that you’re verbally armed, earned your black-belt.

And remember…don’t go out intentionally looking for fights.

Gabriel Angelo runs, with the unique approach to dating and meeting women, by focusing on developing your “social skills” to be the most socially savvy person you can be, not just with women…but everybody. Although the arts are primarily related to dating and attracting women, they can be applied to other aspects of your life from social, dating, personal, and even professional.

For more information, please visit

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