Shoe bags shoe market recovery price war quietly turn off

HC Shoe News Network April 16, last year, major department stores in Guangzhou in order to Financial Popular gathering crisis, set off round after round of non-conventional large let promotion, although the increase Sell Amount, it does not bring profit growth or even decline in momentum. This year, the market rebound, consumer bullish, most businesses are gradually change just waving the "price war" approach, through more value added services, green Marketing And other new marketing tools, thus contributing to sales growth, increase profits.

With "Travel Expo" to enhance competitiveness

Markdowns will play a short-term increase in passenger flow and enhance the purpose of sale, but in the long run, business space will be squeezed gross margin or even negative growth.

Interview with reporters that this year, Guangzhou's major department stores in addition to the traditional marketing promotions, more emphasis on "value-added services" and "Green Marketing" on. Gao Ping Shin Kong Department Store Planning Manager, said Shin Kong department store this year will be even more concerned about the members, launch more feedback activities of its members, such as the combination of the World Expo, the Asian Games and other major members of the festival award, "Expo Tour," "Ocean Park Tour", etc. In addition, a fixed period of time, members to shop without spending a day can get 200 points. Wangfujing Department Store in progress "Spring fulfill Fashion Festival" is free to the public delivery of the value of 200,000 yuan of new experience voucher that customers can receive 200 yuan to the store "shoes Leather Case "New experience voucher. Friendship Store was launched this month with" low-carbon life advocacy of "theme" Home New Life Promotion Month "campaign to promote green Food , Environmental protection Energy-saving appliances, plant skin care products.

This, Chouzhou that since the 2008 economic crisis since the period to address the "survival issue" is big business at that time the main task, "price wars" will be emerging. But after a year of hard work, sale of all businesses have the better, "survival" is not a problem, "better return" naturally became a common goal business. Therefore, we regard the focus to improve their competitiveness up, if the previous "price war" is to consolidate the old customers, then to build on the basis of their own style based on this value-added services to attract more new customers.

Training "buyers" to improve self-ability

In the new business structure, major department stores want to get more profit, there is an important factor is to improve self-ability. Many department stores now serve as principal tenant model, associated with the supplier received point deduction by profit, self weak, this, Chouzhou said that this is business, "despite being the industry" and it is. He said that in the long run, higher self-capacity and procurement capacity to enable businesses to derive greater benefits, which have sustained the enterprise market competitiveness.

Previously held in the "National Trade Union party secretary of the 26th Symposium", the National Trade Association chairman Liangguo Hao pointed out that the change in business model, turning to self-point deduction by the joint purchase and sale, and cultivation of talents , is the most important issues facing the retail industry.

Learned that 90 years from the last century, more and more self-mode shift from the traditional department store brands controlled by the import and sale, keep the process of "brand associated" mode, brands into the stores, do not pay rent, but through the brand's sales revenue point deduction as a department store operating margin.

Industry experts also pointed out that the joint point deduction model, also contributed to the domestic department store brand and product appears homogeneous factors. The homogenization, the natural cause businesses to open frequently discount war, which also squeezed the profits of big department stores had no space.

It is understood that the department stores abroad is still the model are based on self-purchasing, shopping malls have a professional "buyer" factory direct purchasing of goods around the world, particularly in their fashion brand to purchase personal goods "buyer model" as shaping their own image and shopping centers into a new profit growth point. Shin Kong Department Store High Ping told reporters that a certain proportion of cosmetics Sunbeam is self-goods, and in the "buyers", she said the company would try to collecting and cultivating talent pool as shopping centers.

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