Ruian Jin Yi Feng quality of excellence to create a different brand

Visit: Ruian Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Yang Liqun Jin Yi-Feng Xu Wenbin, general manager of managers

Moderator: Hello, everybody! This is the 65th National Auto Parts Fair site, to HC studio guest today is Ruian Jin Yi Feng Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Li-Qun Yang Xu Wenbin, general manager and manager, welcomed the two.

Moderator: first of all to tell you about two of the company's profile please?

Yang total: more than 30 companies from last year's staff development this year, more than 70 staff, mainly by the quality of our products, customer acceptance was rapid growth. HC this year to participate in exhibitions organized by the purchasing group in Ningbo, many manufacturers have seen our products, are more recognized, and they are willing to do our Proxy Business.

Moderator: Today is the exhibition has been organized by the day, what we gain it?

Xujing Li: From yesterday to today, they gradually domestic orders in about five to six clients, the first time we participate in the show, harvest is relatively large, we used to show more foreign participation, booth also by HC Helena, also through this platform, we also gain a lot. Terms of the whole situation, the harvest is very great.

Moderator: come to show what this new product, give us about it?

Yang General: Our company is mainly being mainly domestic and foreign models, is currently doing more complete, more complete domestic customers like businesses are willing to do our dealers.

Moderator: Currently China Filter Factory find many, the pressure must also self-evident, Kim Yi Feng is what lead to the other filter companies?

Yang General: Only quality can conquer all.

Xujing Li: Our office has a slogan like "intention manufacturing excellence." Would do fine products, good quality is to survive.

Moderator: give us about the company's new technology?

Xujing Li: Now this piece of technology, the production line is one, which does Environmental protection Filtration, there Construction Machinery This is the main piece. So, what to do with many domestic companies in terms of not more than, but we believe our products in the domestic terms of leading other manufacturers, because we rely on the quality of our brand by doing.

Moderator: Can you talk about the future development trend of filter?

General Yang: I think the current domestic Car So many, we have to unite.

Xujing Li: Filter companies to do more, but the real essence of the business done is not much to do a full range of enterprise products also are not many, different products can Alliance get up and do business, so the market will not engage in disorder.

Yang General: I hope that other provinces filter manufacturer, does not require the amount of not seeking quality.

Moderator: Kim Yi Feng is to strive for excellence over other businesses. Just talk to the company's sales, Financial The crisis environment of bad situations, why gold has been the excess abundance of sales increased state sales even more than last year, is our good quality or channel?

Yang General: channel is built based on quality, with the quality of the back are hard to say, not to mention the quality front, then behind these efforts are in vain.

Moderator: Kim Yi Feng in the market expansion and can we share some good experience?

Xujing Li: fighting a war method, this "war" approach, other companies may be different, because the domestic market is really such a big push if die by your own words, the cost of flowers relatively large, The second is the input energy is relatively large, the costs are relatively large.

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