Learn Mandarin Chinese Quickly: Strategies for Musical Learners

When discovering a difficult language such as Mandarin Chinese you must come up with a very good learning approach. One particularly smart way to do this is to reference what is known as the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, published by Harvard’s Howard Gardner. This particular theory declares there are seven unique kinds of learners, visual-spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, linguistic, and logical-mathematical. This article is going to present language learning tips for musical learners, as described by the theory.

What is a Musical Learner?

Musical learners are quite sensitive to rhythm and sound. They’re music fans, yes, but they tend to be more than that. They’re very aware of and sensitive to all sounds in their environment. They study very well if using tools such as musical instruments, radio, music, and different multimedia devices.

Learning Strategy 1

If you are among those people who are always tapping their toes and fingers to the beat of their favorite songs, then, of course, incorporate that enthusiasm into your language learning. The best way to do this is by simply transforming your current vocabulary words and phrases into lyrics. For instance, when you’re figuring out how to speak about feelings and emotions in Chinese, create some sort of song about how you are feeling. After that, sing it back in Chinese. You’ll have fun and cement the definitions of your vocabulary words in your mind simultaneously.

Learning Strategy 2

Typically, the minds of musical learners have an impressive ability to recollect phrases and words that are spoken rhythmically. If you’re one of these individuals, make use of this gift. For instance, if you are looking to memorize Chinese language greetings and introductions, make your project less difficult by simply speaking all of them rhythmically. If you do, you’ll find that you actually remember far more using much less effort.

Learning Strategy 3

Modern pop songs are usually stuffed with basic words and ideas, and they deal with a number of issues, from love to politics. As you are naturally predisposed to enjoy and remember matters presented in a musical framework, utilize popular tunes to help study the Chinese language. First, get a hold of some lyrics to songs sung in the Chinese language. After that, memorize the lyrics. Finally, listen to the actual songs and sing along, remaining conscious of each word being sung.

Learning strategy 4

Musical learners show an excellent affinity for making use of multimedia products. Take full advantage of this by searching out software and Internet-based packages that utilize multimedia extensively in their programs. You will find these a lot more appealing compared to sitting yourself down with a book and box of flash cards. Make use of multimedia systems and you will definitely remain enthusiastic, improving your chinese language acquisition abilities.


Musical learners are generally sensitive to the sounds found in their surroundings, and they learn most effectivly by incorporating popular music into their learning systems. If you are one of these individuals, use rhythm, sound, and multimedia devices as studying resources, and you will definitely make excellent progress.

Want to learn about the other 6 types of learners? Read my article about logical-mathematical learners here.

Or, discover study strategies for intrapersonal learners here.

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